ClaudiusAyadi / 01-QR-Code-Component-Frontendmentor

This is my first ever Frontendmentors challenge. It's a simple QR code card component, and I hope to keep doing more of such challenges.

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Frontend Mentor - QR code component solution

This is my solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building projects with real-world use cases.

Table of contents


The QR Code Component challenge is a beginner-friendly project and the first challenge recommended to me when I joined Frontend Mentor.

Simple as it is, it helps me re-evaluate my flexbox knowledge and the use of box shadow to create elevated-styled cards. It was a fast one filled with much fun too.


QR code component


My process

  1. I downloaded the project and went through the and style guide.
  2. I went to create a directory for the new project inside the master repo.
  3. Then laid out the component in HTML with appropriate classes based on the BEM.
  4. style.css was next, where I designed the component and its parts using modern CSS properties.
  5. I deleted the old and updated the template file to write down the process and other required information.
  6. Added untracked files as I work, commit and push everything as needed.
  7. Deployed to Netlify, updated the with the project live URL, and submitted to Frontend Mentor.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox & Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

I learned to use the box-shadow property in this project. It was the main game changer for the card to pop out as it is.

Continued development

In the future, I'd love to use a grid instead of flex for the page layout and only use flexbox for the component items.

EDIT: I finally used `grid` for the page layout and `place-items: center` property. However, there's a new issue I'd like to solve. I want the footer to sit at the bottom of the screen. Is there a way I can place the item at the bottom of the grid?

I hope to master the grid and flexbox properties with some CSS animations. Down the road, I'm looking at having enough card components that I can use for different occassions.



Many thanks to the Frontend Mentor team for this beginner challenge. A big shoutout to xaviguasch from the #100devs Discord group who made me start this challenge series. Thanks, man!


This is my first ever Frontendmentors challenge. It's a simple QR code card component, and I hope to keep doing more of such challenges.


Language:CSS 53.9%Language:HTML 46.1%