Ckabos / nordotfiles

Style nord in bspwm with polybar and miscelaneous

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


screenshot.png screenshot1.png screenshot2.png screenshot3.png screenshot4.png


  • Alacritty : Terminal
  • Polybar : The configuration bars.
  • Rofi : For rofi-bluetooh, rofi launcher and rofi theme selectors.
  • MPD : For audio client with ncmpcpp player.
  • ncmpcpp : Media Player.
  • ncmpcpp-ueberzug : Displays ncmpcpp album art.
  • Bspwm : Window Manager.
  • Sxhkd : keybindings.
  • Nerd Fonts : Fonts to the customization.
  • Feather Fonts : Icon Fonts to the customization.
  • Cava : Virtualizer Audio.
  • Picom : Picom fork -> picom-jonaburg-git
  • playerctl : Multimedia Controls with keymap.
  • Pactl : Control volume with keymap.
  • pavucontrol : GUI Multimedia controls.
  • i3lock-fancy : Session lock.
  • Gnome-screenshot : Screenshot to desktop.
  • rofi-bluetooth : rofi-bluetooth menu.
  • ranger : File manager.
  • Zathura : Lector PDF-EPUB.
  • Nerd Fonts : Fonts to the customization.
  • Ueberzug : Image in terminal.

Icon fonts

  • Hack Nerd Fonts
  • Feather Fonts


  • Sarasa Gothic
  • Hack Nerd Font
  • Unifont
  • Terminus
  • waffle


  • First, clone the repository.
$ git clone
$ cd nordotfiles
  • copy the files in the directories appropriate:
$ cp -r polybar ~/.config/
$ cp -r dunst ~/.config/
$ cp -r mpd ~/.config/
$ cp -r ncmpcpp ~/.config/
$ cp -r picom ~/.config/
$ cp -r ranger ~/.config/
$ cp -r bspwm ~/.config/
$ cp -r zathura ~/.config/
$ cp -r rofi ~/.config/
$ cp -r alacritty ~/.config/
$ cp -r cava ~/.config/
$ cp -r sxhkd ~/.config/
  • library dbus-python -> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dbus.mainloop.glib'
$ pip3 install dbus-python


Style nord in bspwm with polybar and miscelaneous


Language:Python 75.4%Language:Shell 23.1%Language:Vim Script 1.5%