The next modding framework for Minecraft Bedrock Server on Windows telegram:@bdlauncher examples: LICENCE: GPLv3 with extra restrictions&exceptions restrictions: ! First of all,you must accept the Minecraft EULA. ! It means DO NOT MAKE COMMERICIAL USE OF ANYTHING which breaks the EULA. ! Accepting this LICENSE means you ACCEPTED Minecraft EULA( too. ! If you violate the EULA,any legal liability is IRRELEVANT to the developer ! NO WARRANTY Second,If you provides a server hosting service,you can use this framework for free,but you SHOULD NOT make PRIVATE changes to this framework as a selling point.If you fixed or tweaked the code,please pull request,instead of making it private for commercial use. Do not do evil. exceptions: Although we expected to build an open-source community,but forcing everything open-source will ruin this community. So you can write mods based on BDX with ANY open-source license or even dont publish your source code. but if you modified the framework,or write a new framework based on this framework,you NEED to open-source it.