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USPTO Architecture Playbook

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Play Description Results Best Practices
Microservice Architecture Breaks a monolithic application into self-contained microservices Results in easier to develop and maintain applications, autonomous and cross-functional teams, flexibility in using technologies and scalability Loose Coupling, Stateless Application, Containerization
Cloud-Native Services Design architecture with Cloud-Native services in mind Results in reduced operations Cost, Elasticity, Scalability and Fault-Tolerant Applications Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), Immutable Infrastructure, Dev-Prod Parity
API-First Development Treats APIs as first-class citizens when a product or service is designed and provides a contract Results in Parallel development teams, reusability of the developed services, good developer experience, and reduced risk of failure. OpenAPI Specification, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS), API Contracts
Data-Driven Solutions Design your solution to be optimal to the problems that the data will have at scale Results in optimized response time, scalability, maximum value from the data Event Storming, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Decoupled Persistence, Intelligent Search
Shift-Left Security Security should not be an afterthought and should be built into the development process. Results in rapid ATO, easier to resolve security issues, and reduced risk of failures Security Scans, Encryption In-Transition and At-Rest, Penetration Testing
Automation Everywhere Build a development pipeline that provides automation for developers and allows for rapid development Results in fast delivery, reduced risk of failure, measurable progress, version control Automated CI/CD pipeline, Automated Testing, Automated Monitoring/Alerts, Autoscaling
Built-in Quality Quality should be part of the process and not a separate activity Results in lower costs, fewer bugs, increasing returns, and stakeholders confidence Test Driven Development (TDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD), Unit/Integration/End-to-End/Load, Quality Gates

reference architecture

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technology toolbox

Layer Category Technology Tools
Agile Code Repository GitHub, GitLab
Agile Collaboration SharePoint
Agile Communication Microsoft Teams
Agile Scrum/Kanban Board Rally
Data CDN Amazon Cloud Front
Data Caching Redis, Memcached, Amazon ElastiCache
Data Client-Side Caching IndexedDB, HTML WEb Storage
Data Cluster Hadoop-HDFS, Spark, Ambari, Apache Zookeeper
Data Content Management Alfresco, Patent CMS
Data DB-Connections c3p0, ODBC, JDBC, Spring JDBC
Data DB-Document Oriented MongoDB, Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
Data DB-Graph Oriented Neo4J, Amazon Neptune, Azure Cosmos DB
Data DB-Relational MySQL, Amazon Aurora (MySQL), Percona (MySQL), Oracle, Amazon RDS (Oracle), PostgreSQL
Data ETL/Streaming Apache Nifi, Alteryx, Amazon Glue, Apache Kafka, Spark Streaming, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (Kafka), Amazon Kinesis Firehose (Kafka), Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (Amazon MSK)
Data Queue Apache Kafka, Jboss AMQ
Data Schema Version Control Liquibase
Data Search Elasticsearch, Solr
Data Synchronization Oracle Data Guard
Data Visualization Alteryx Tableau Desktop, elastic Kibana, Amazon QuickSight, PowerBI
Data Warehouse & Data Mart USPTO Enterprise Data Warehouse
Desktop Browser Current Browser Trends
Development AOP AspectJ, Spring AOP
Development API Swagger, OpenAPI, Spring Cloud Contracts, SpringFox
Development Authentication/Authorization Okta, Oracle IAM, Amazon AWS IAM, Azure AD, MyUSPTO, Spring Security
Development Authoring MS Word, CKEditor
Development Build Packages Maven, NPM, Webpack, Bower, ES6 Modules, Gulp, Angular CLI
Development Code Documentation Javadoc
Development Data Science Tools Jupyter Notebook, Zeppelin Notebook, Apache Hive
Development Data Science-Languages Julia, R Lang, Python
Development Data Science-ML Tensorflow, Google Cloud ML, Apache Spark MLlib, AWS SageMaker
Development Data Science-NLP Stanford NLP
Development Framework-Backend Spring Boot, Node.js
Development Framework-Frontend Angular, React, Vue
Development IDE Eclipse, Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA, Anaconda, R Studio, Visual Studio Code
Development Languages Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Google GO
Development Notification Email, USPTO Internally Developed REST API for AWS, AWS SQS, AWS SNS
Development ORM Hibernate, Sequelize
Development Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Tessaract, Tika-server
Development PDF Content Management Apache PDFBox, Antenna House Formatter, iText, PDFTron WebViewer
Development Parse, Serialize, Transform Jackson, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
Development Services-REST Jersey, RESTEasy JAX-RS, Spring Boot REST
Development Services-SOAP Apache Axis2
Development Style USWDS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, USPTO Design Pattern Library (DPL)
Infrastructure API Gateway Kong, MuleSoft, Apogee, Broadcom Layer 7 Gateway
Infrastructure Cloud AWS, Azure, GCP, MicroPact
Infrastructure Cluster Hadoop-HDFS, Ambari, Apache Spark, Yarn, Apache Zookeeper
Infrastructure Container Compute Amazon Fargate
Infrastructure Container Docker, containerd, CRI-O
Infrastructure IaC Terraform, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
Infrastructure Orchestration Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECR, Amazon EKS
Infrastructure Pipeline Amazon Jenkins, Jenkins, AWS CodeDeploy
Infrastructure Platform OpenShift
Infrastructure Repository Manager Nexus
Infrastructure Service Mesh Istio
Infrastructure Workflow USPTO Hierarchical Finite State Machine
Operations APM AppDynamics
Operations Dashboards Grafana, elastic Kibana
Operations Metrics Prometheus, Logstash, Splunk, Fluentd, AppDynamics Pro, Google Analytics, HP SiteScope
Operations Monitoring Splunk, Logback, Log4j2, SLF4J, AppDynamics Pro, JBoss EAP Logging, HP SiteScope, Fluentd, QRadar, Amazon X-Ray
Operations Scheduling Quartz Scheduler
Testing Accessibility/508 Pa11y, ANDI, Wave Plug-In for Chrome by Webaim
Testing Integration Selenium, Protractor, Cucumber
Testing Penetration OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), Fortify, WebInspect
Testing Performance JMeter, Gatling, LoadRunner
Testing Static Code Analysis SonarQube
Testing Unit JUnit, Jest, Jasmine, Mockito, OpenPojo, jMock, Spring Cloud Contracts, Karma


USPTO Architecture Playbook