Marcus Nölke's following
- Brandon Wubrandonspark
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- fast.aifastai
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- i-machine-thinki-machine-think
- it-economics GmbHit-economics
- Julie Lermanjulielerman
- Julia Evansjvns
- Andrejkarpathy
- Kata Containerskata-containers
- Leanleanprover
- leanprover-communityleanprover-community
- Daniel Lemirelemire
- Let The Data Confessletthedataconfess
- Luca PalmieriLukeMathWalker
- Michael Schaubmichaelschaub
- Nishant Aklechanaklecha
- NeuMLneuml
- OpenFaaSopenfaas
- Pieces.apppieces-app
- Protomapsprotomaps
- Pythonpython
- Axel Rauschmayerrauschma
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- the tiny corptinygrad
- Tomaz Bratanictomasonjo
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