Chrysalis2706 / 2_JS-API-Project_PexelsAPI

This mini project allows users to search for specific types of images using the Pexels API. Developed by Parth, this JavaScript application is a simple and efficient way to find and display the desired images.

Repository from Github https://github.comChrysalis2706/2_JS-API-Project_PexelsAPIRepository from Github https://github.comChrysalis2706/2_JS-API-Project_PexelsAPI

JS+API Project - 2

Pexels Image API

Kindly API Key from this website and paste it in the 'apiKey' variable value in app.js file.


This mini project allows users to search for specific types of images using the Pexels API. Developed by Parth, this JavaScript application is a simple and efficient way to find and display the desired images.



How to Use

Open the project in your preferred web browser.
In the search bar, enter the type of image you want.
Hit the "Search" button.
You can view and download the images.


This mini project allows users to search for specific types of images using the Pexels API. Developed by Parth, this JavaScript application is a simple and efficient way to find and display the desired images.


Language:CSS 47.1%Language:JavaScript 39.1%Language:HTML 13.8%