Chrom3D / pipeline

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Pipeline to create the input Model Setup File (GTrack) from the Hi-C data

In this pipeline we will explain how to use Hi-C and Lamin ChIP-Seq data (optional) to create the Model Setup File (GTrack) as an input to the Chrom3D to model genome in 3 dimensions.

Preliminary steps and requirements

To install Chrom3D and its dependencies

Please visit this link

Requirements to run this pipeline:

To install NCHG

curl -O
cd NCHG_hic
export PATH=$PATH:${PWD}

Hi-C data analysis

  • We recommend to use the HiC-Pro for the initial processes of Hi-C data (mapping and creating Hi-C matrix) as this output (Hi-C matrix in COO format) will serve as the input to this pipeline
  • TAD callers such as Arrowhead, TopDom or Armatus can be used to define TADs in this pipeline.


We assume that the user already have following data to run the pipeline:

  • Raw Hi-C matrix (using HiC-Pro)
    • We recommend 50kb resolution for the intra-chromosomal contact matrices and 1mb resolution for the inter-chromosomal contact matrices
  • Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) BED file (created using any TAD callers)
    • In this pipeline, we assume that the user has defined TADs using the Arrowhead algorithm
  • Necessary scripts (<-- the link to Download)
  • Unmappable blacklist BED file (User can find the unmappable_blacklist.bed for the hg19 assembly in the scripts folder)
  • Chromosomes size file (hg19.chrom.sizes.sorted in the scripts folder)


  • Lamin associated domains (LAD) BED file

Main steps

Converting HiC-Pro output:

Substitute "sample" with your sample name.

The sample_50000.matrix and sample_50000_abs.bed can be found in the HiC-Pro output folder.

Example: USER_WD/hic_results/matrix/sample/raw/50000

We recommend to copy these files to the "preprocess_scripts" folder.

python sample_50000.matrix sample_50000_abs.bed > sample_50000.intermediate.bedpe

The script "" converts the HiC-Pro COO matrix output to the intermediate BEDPE format file.

Create intra-chromosomal contact matrices

This step creates intra-chromosomal RAW observed contact matrices for each chromosome using the BEDPE file created above at 50kb resolution.

mkdir intra_chr_RAWobserved
# Example (chr1):
awk '{if($1=="chr1" && $4=="chr1") print $2 "\t" $5 "\t" $7}' sample_50000.intermediate.bedpe > intra_chr_RAWobserved/chr1_50kb.RAWobserved

#Run the following automated script
bash chrom.sizes.sorted sample_50000.intermediate.bedpe

bash [chromSizeFile] [intermediateBedpe]

[chromSizeFile] A text file containing the chromosome sizes (sorted numerically)
[intermediateBedpe] An intermediate bedpe created using ""

Create inter-chromosomal contact matrices

This step creates inter-chromosomal RAW observed contact matrices for each pair of chromosomes at 1mb resolution.

python sample_1000000.matrix sample_1000000_abs.bed > sample_1000000.intermediate.bedpe

mkdir inter_chr_RAWobserved 

# Example for inter-chromosome contact between chr1 and chr2:
awk '{if($1=="chr1" && $4=="chr2") print $2 "\t" $5 "\t" $7}' sample_1000000.intermediate.bedpe > inter_chr_RAWobserved/chr1_2_1mb.RAWobserved

#Run the following automated script
bash chrom.sizes.sorted sample_1000000.intermediate.bedpe

bash [chromSizeFile] [intermediateBedpe]

[chromSizeFile] A text file containing the chromosome sizes (sorted numerically)
[intermediateBedpe] An intermediate bedpe created using ""

Aggregation of Hi-C contact counts for all pairs of TADs

(i) To create the BED file specifying the genomic positions of the beads, Arrowhead domains (TADs) need to be merged, and gaps between them need to be filled.

bash sample_Arrowhead_domainlist.txt chrom.sizes.sorted

bash [arrowheadFile] [chromSizeFile]

[arrowheadFIle] A text file listing the Arrowhead domains
[chromSizeFile] A text file containing the chromosome sizes (sorted numerically)

(ii) Concatenate all the .domains to use in a later step

cat *.chr*.domains >

(iii) Compute intra-chromosomal interaction counts between TADs

mkdir intrachr_bedpe
bash intra_chr_RAWobserved/chr19_50kb.RAWobserved chr19 > intrachr_bedpe/

Run the following script to run the above command for all chromosomes

bash sample_Arrowhead_domainlist chrom.sizes.sorted 50kb

bash [domainBase] [chromSizeFile] [resolution]

[domainBase] Basename of the domain files
[chromSizeFile] Text file containing the chromosome sizes (sorted numerically)
[resolution] Resolution of the interaction matrix as given in the matrix filename (eg. 50kb or 1mb)

(iv) Concatenate all the bedpe files

cat intrachr_bedpe/chr*.bedpe > intrachr_bedpe/sample_50kb.domain.RAW.bedpe

(v) Remove domains that contain centromeres from the BEDPE file

curl -s "" | gunzip -c | grep acen | pairToBed -a intrachr_bedpe/sample_50kb.domain.RAW.bedpe -b stdin -type neither > intrachr_bedpe/sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.bedpe

Identification of significant intra-chromosomal interaction

This step uses a non-central hypergeometric test to calclate P-value and odds ratio for each TAD-TAD interactions. Then, the significant TAD-TAD interactions are filtered using FDR and odds ratio.

(i) Calculate the P-value and odds ratio for each pair of TADs

NCHG -m 50000 -p intrachr_bedpe/sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.bedpe > sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.NCHG.out

NCHG -m [minDistance] -p [NULL] [inputFile]

-m Minimum genomic distance (in bp) allowed between domains, below which interactions are excluded
-p Print output to stdout
[inputFile] Hi-C contact count data in BEDPE format

(ii) Calculate FDR and filter significant interactions

python sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.NCHG.out fdr_bh 2 0.01 > sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.NCHG.sig

python [inputFile] [testMethod] [cutoff] [threshold]

[inputFile] Input filename (NCHG output; BEDPE format)
[testMethod] Multiple hypothesis testing method (bonferroni, sidak, holm-sidak, holm, simes-hochberg, hommel, fdr_bh, fdr_by, fdr_tsbh, fdr_tsbky)
[cutoff] Odds ratio cutoff value
[threshold] Significance threshold value after multiple testing correction

Create the Model Setup File (GTrack)

A Model Setup File (GTrack) is the input file to the Chrom3D which specifies the genomic coordinates, unique id and constraints for the beads. Users can add HiC constraints (TAD-TAD interactions in a chromosome and between chromosomes) using the "edge" column and if the lamin ChIP-Seq data is available, the LAD constraints (beads constrain towards nuclear periphery) using the "periphery" column can be added. A simple illustration of a GTrack file could be found at the end of the this tutorial. This step involves creating and adding constraints using HiC data and lamin ChIP-Seq data to a GTrack file.

(i) Create GTrack using significant interactions

bash sample_50kb.domain.RAW.no_cen.NCHG.sig sample_intra_chromosome.gtrack

bash [sigFile] [domainFile] [outputFile]

[sigFile] Intra-chromosome significant interactions file
[domainFile] Domain file
[outputFile] Output GTrack file (Model Setup File)

(ii) Add LAD information to the GTrack (OPTIONAL)

This step will add the periphery column to the GTrack file (specifying beads with periphery constrains). Please refer the illustration.

bash sample_intra_chromosome.gtrack sample_LAD.bed sample_intra_chromosome_w_LADs.gtrack

bash [inputFile] [ladFile] [outputFile]

[inputFile] Input GTrack file (without LAD information)
[ladFile] LAD BED file to be added to GTrack file
[outputFile] Output GTrack file with LAD information added 

(iii) Prepare inter-chromosomal Hi-C interaction counts

bash ./ chrom.sizes.sorted unmappable_blacklist.bed 1mb > sample_1mb_inter.bedpe

bash [chromSizeFile] [blackList] [resolution]

[chromSizeFile] Text file containing the chromosome sizes (sorted numerically)
[blackList] BED file containing positions of blacklisted regions
[resolution] Resolution of the interaction matrix as given in the matrix filename (e.g. 50kb or 1mb)

(iv) Call significant inter-chromosomal interactions

NCHG -i -p sample_1mb_inter.bedpe > sample_1mb_inter_chr.NCHG.out

NCHG -i [NULL] -p [NULL] [inputFile] > [outputFile]

-i Instructs NCHG to use inter-chromosomal interactions 
-p Instructs NCHG to print output to stdout [inputFile] Hi-C contact count data (BEDPE format)
[outputFile] File containing P-values for each TAD pair

(v) Calculate FDR and filter significant interactions

python sample_1mb_inter_chr.NCHG.out fdr_bh 2 0.01 > sample_1mb_inter_chr.NCHG.sig

python [inputFile] [testMethod] [cutoff] [threshold]

[inputFile] Input filename (NCHG output; BEDPE format)
[testMethod] Multiple hypothesis testing method (bonferroni, sidak, holm-sidak, holm, simes-hochberg, hommel, fdr_bh, fdr_by, fdr_tsbh, fdr_tsbky)
[cutoff] Odds ratio cutoff value
[threshold] Significance threshold value after multiple testing correction

(vi) Add significant inter-chromosomal interaction information to the GTrack

This step adds siginificant inter-chromosomal interaction to the edge column of the Gtrack file.

bash sample_intra_chromosome_w_LADs.gtrack sample_1mb_inter_chr.NCHG.sig sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.gtrack

bash [inputFile] [sigFile] [outFile]

[inputFile] Input GTrack file
[sigFile] Inter-chromosome significant interaction file
[outFile] Output GTrack file containing significant inter-chromosomal interactions

(vii) Modify the Model Setup File to make a diploid model

python sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.gtrack > sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.gtrack

python [inputFile] > [outputFile]

[inputFile] Input GTrack file with constraints specified for single chromosomes
[outputFile] Output GTrack file with constraints for each chromosome copy

Run Chrom3D to generate 3D genome models

Chrom3D -y 0.15 -r 5.0 -n 2000000 -o sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.cmm sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.gtrack

Chrom3D -y [scale] -r [radius] -n [iterations] -o [outputFile] [setupFile]

-y Scale total volume of the model beads relative to the volume of the nucleus
-r Radius of the nucleus in micrometers
-n Number of iterations
-o Output filename
[setupFile] Model Setup File in GTrack format

Visualisation of 3D genome models using chimera

chimera sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.cmm

Highlighting LAD-containing beads

python sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.cmm lad_ad04.ids 0,0,255 override > sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.visLAD.cmm

python [inputFile] [beadIdFile] [color] [colorScheme]

[inputFile] Input CMM file
[beadIdFile] File containing selected bead ids
[color] Comma-separated RGB value
[colorScheme] ‘blend’ or ‘override’ color of the beads specified

Highlighting HiC constrained beads and visualisation

  • LAD-containing beads - blue
  • HiC constrained beads - red
  • Beads with both LAD and HiC beads - purple
python sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.visLAD.cmm TAD_interaction.ids 255,0,0 blend > sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.visLADCons.cmm

chimera sample_inter_intra_chr_w_LADs.diploid.visLADCons.cmm

Simple illustration of a Model Setup File

Example GTrack
