ChristosHadjichristofi / NodeRed-SmartHome

[ECE NTUA] Smart-Home System created with Kafka, Node-Red, MySQL, Telegram-Bot-API

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SmartHome System

This project was part of the Analysis and Design of Information Systems course at NTUA.

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Technology Stack

  • Apache Kafka as message broker
  • Node-Red to handle the logic of our smart home
  • NodeJS and ExpressJS to create a server and specifically a route to handle all incoming requests from the smart home's devices
  • MySQL as the database
  • Grafana as a simple user dashboard where the user (smart home owner) can see many details and monitor the IOT devices
  • Telegram where we created a bot that will notify us (more info in upcoming sections)
  • Python3 to create dummy data that represent the data from the smart home sensors and to create a simulation script which makes many api calls to the express server


  • Docker to create a container for the database (here we could even create container for everything, but this would require a connection bridge)
  • NVM as the Node Version Manager (so as we can have different versions of node in our pc)
  • FlyWay as a database version control. Used for matters of ease when developing the system
  • GitHub in order to keep track the versions of our code and for better collaboration


We used Apache Kafka as a middleware for the communication between the smart-home events and node-red. Kafka uses topics to store incoming events. In order to achieve that, we created three topics. Our house consists of six major device categories. The name of each device is the concatenation of the device type and the room that it is located in. The smart-home events are stored in the smart-home topic with device type as key and some other device properties as value. By default Kafka stores events in topics using a Round-Robin partitioner. However, we decided to do it manually by producing each device event to specific partition according to its device category. We did this because the node-red-contrib-kafka library, which is used to connect Apache Kafka and Node-red, enabled us to consume messages from a certain partition of a topic. Of course, if this was a real large scale project, we would let Kafka handle the partitioning automatically. We also have two additional topics, general-events and lamps. In the first one, we produce messages that are triggered by node-red logic and more specifically events created by output devices(e.g siren). In the second one, each time the user turns on/off a lamp, a message is produced to the certain topic containing the action as value and room as key.


The following installation instructions are intended for Linux Distros. If you want to Install it in any other OS, you should know that not everything that follows will work.

Clone Project

  1. git clone the project
  2. Open the folder that you git cloned and navigate to kafka-api folder
  3. Open a terminal and execute npm install


  1. Download NVM
curl | bash
  1. Install NodeJS
nvm install 16

Apache Kafka

  1. Download Apache Kafka
  1. Unzip it to the desired folder i.e Home ( cd ~/Kafka)

  2. Navigate to cd ~/Kafka and create 2 folders, data and logs

  3. Open vim ~/Kafka/kafka_2.13-3.0.0/config/, and change dataDir to the directory where data folder is. In our case dataDir=~/Kafka/data

  4. Open vim ~/Kafka/kafka_2.13-3.0.0/config/, and change log.dirs to the directory where logs folder is. In our case log.dirs=~/Kafka/logs

  5. Create aliases to use kafka easier. Navigate to cd ~ and vim .bashrc. Find the #some more aliases comment and below add

#start zookeeper
alias zookeeper="bin/ config/"
#start kafka
alias kafka="bin/ config/"
#topics commands
alias list-topics="bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list"
alias describe-topic="bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic"
alias consume-topic="bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic"
alias create-topic="bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic"
alias delete-topic="bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic"

alias grafana="sudo systemctl start grafana-server"
  1. Open a terminal and navigate to cd ~/Kafka/kafka_2.13-3.0.0. Execute the command zookeeper
  2. Open a new terminal and navigate again to cd ~/Kafka/kafka_2.13-3.0.0. Execute the command kafka as soon as zookeeper is finished
  3. Open a new terminal and navigate again to cd ~/Kafka/kafka_2.13-3.0.0. Execute the command create-topic [name] --partitions [number] --replication-factor 1. In our case the name is smart-home and number is 6


  1. Install docker with
sudo snap install docker

MySQL - Dbeaver - Flyway

  1. Open a new terminal and execute the command
docker run -p 3311:3306 --name smart-home-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql:5.7
  1. Use a database management tool. In our case we used dbeaver which you can install by executing
sudo snap install dbeaver-ce
  1. Create a new database using the database management tool. The name of the database for this project is smart_home
  2. Install flyway
wget -qO- | tar xvz && sudo ln -s pwd/flyway-8.4.1/flyway /usr/local/bin
  1. Create the tables needed with Flyway (where user=root, password=root, port=3311, database_name=smart_home)
flyway -user=[user] -password=[password] -url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:[port]/[database_name]
  1. Open the project folder, where you can see the sql folder. Open a terminal and execute
flyway -user=root -password=root -url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3311/smart_home migrate

Here you can use clean to clear the database and migrate to create it again.


  1. Install Node-Red. Open a new terminal and execute the command
sudo snap install node-red
  1. In the previous terminal execute the command which will start node-red
  1. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:1880/. Here you should see node-red running
  2. From the top right corner press the hamburger menu and choose import. Choose select a file to import and locate node-red-flow.json which is in the folder which you git cloned

Node-Red Dependencies

  1. For the Bot
  1. For Kafka
  1. For MySQL
  1. For Node-Red Dashboard


  1. Install Grafana
sudo dpkg -i grafana-enterprise_8.3.3_amd64.deb
  1. If you followed the instructions, when we were setting up Kafka we set up some aliases. One of those aliases is for grafana. So now in order to start grafana you can simply open a terminal and execute grafana
  2. Open a browser and head over to http://localhost:3000/. You should see the login screen of grafana
  3. Enter the default user and password which are both the word admin
  4. Import the json file that is the dashboard. This file is located in the project folder and it is called grafana-dashboard.json. To import it, there is a plus icon on your left. Follow the instructions and the dashboard will be imported
  5. If everything went well you will see the dashboard in the General Tab (if you ofcourse imported the dashboard in that tab and not in a new one that you created)


  1. Download Telegram
snap install telegram-desktop
  1. We followed this tutorial to create our bot
  2. After that we created a group conversation (which includes all the family members that will get notified)
  3. We used the bot's token which you'll find by following the tutorial we mentioned in step 2 or here


We only use python3 for the creation of the simulation data and the simulation script. These scripts are located in the project folder and specifically in data folder.

You should have Python3 preinstalled if you work on Ubuntu, in case you don't you should check it out.


Because this project will eventually be a simulation of a smart home system, we had to think of some devices that exist in a smart home system. After the placement in the house, we came up with different scenarios that trigger some specific flows in NodeRed.

The simulation consists of:

Room ID Room
0 Bedroom
1 Living Room
2 Kitchen
3 Bathroom
4 Balcony

Each device that appears in the following table consists of its name plus a number. The number is in which room this device belongs. If no number exists, there's only one device of that kind in the house.

Device Name Value Value Range
Smoke sensor sensorSmoke bool state binary
Light sensor sensorLight0 int lm range 0...1000 (sunshine: >500, evening: 0 ~ 100, lighting: 100...500)
Light sensor sensorLight1 int lm "
Light sensor sensorLight4 int lm "
Motion sensor sensorMotion1 bool state binary
Motion sensor sensorMotion4 bool state binary
Temperature sensor sensorTemp0 int temp, int tempDif temp: range 10...35, tempDif example: +/- 4
Temperature sensor sensorTemp1 int temp, int tempDif "
Window/Door magnet sensorMagnet0 bool state binary
Window/Door magnet sensorMagnet1 bool state "
Window/Door magnet sensorMagnet2 bool state "
Window/Door magnet sensorMagnet3 bool state "
Alarm alarm bool state binary
Siren siren bool state binary
Thermostat thermostat bool state, int temp state: binary, temp: range 10...35
Lamp lamp0 bool state binary
Lamp lamp1 bool state "
Lamp lamp2 bool state "
Lamp lamp3 bool state "
Lamp lamp4 bool state "
Vacuum vacuum bool state binary
Air-Conditioner ac0 bool state, int temp state: binary, temp: range 18...30
Air-Conditioner ac1 bool state, int temp "
Water Heater waterHeater bool state binary
Switch - Phone charger switch0 bool state binary
Switch - Coffee machine switch1 bool state "


Because this is a simulation, we had to create a scenario based on the life of an imaginary person, John.
John works on weekdays. More specifically:

  • He wakes up at 07:30
  • Eats breakfast at 08:00
  • Works from 09:00 to 17:00
  • He arms the alarm before leaving the house and disarms the alarm when he returns
  • Takes a shower at 17:30
  • Eats dinner at 20:00
  • Sleeps at 24:00

On the weekends he has a more relaxed schedule:

  • He wakes up at 09:00
  • He sleeps at 02:00

John, on a daily basis has some demands for this smart home system. More specifically:

  • He wants the Water heater to start boiling water at 17:00
  • He wants the vacuum to clean every Monday - Wednesday - Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
  • He wants his phone to get charged from 03:30 to 06:30
  • He wants to have his coffee ready by 07:45
  • He wants the living room lights to be turned on when its getting dark and he enters the appartment
  • He wants the balcony lights to be turned on when its getting dark and motion is detected on the balcony
  • He wants the lights in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen to be switched off when he arms the alarm
  • He wants the thermostat to be set on when the temperature drops below 22 degrees
  • He wants the a/c in the bedroom to be turned on when the temperature rises above 29 degrees
  • He wants the a/c in the living room to be turned on when the temperature rises above 29 degrees
  • He wants door/window openings to be logged to the database

Also in case of an emegerncy, he wants to be notified from a bot. Such emergencies are:

  • Fire
  • Burglary
  • Possible malfunction of any temperature sensor in the smart system

Based on the above a script was created, that simulates John's life for a period of a week. Unexpected events throughout the week:

  • On Tuesday at 13:00 burglars broke into John's house using the door in the living room
  • On Friday at 20:00 there was a fire in John's kitchen
  • On Sunday at 16:00 a temperature sensor malfunctioned


component-diagram deployment-diagram


[ECE NTUA] Smart-Home System created with Kafka, Node-Red, MySQL, Telegram-Bot-API

License:MIT License


Language:Python 69.6%Language:JavaScript 30.4%