ChrisViral / COMP-371

COMP-371 Winter '18 Assignment 1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Christophe Savard
Term Project
April 12th 2018

===== Compilation Information =====

Compiled using Visual Studio 2017 (15.6.6), using the visual studio compilation tools v141, on Windows 10.
GLEW, GLFW, and GLM, and STBI have been configured to be in the project folder for compilation, for both lib and header files.
Header files should be in ./Include, lib files should be in ./Lib, and glew32.dll in ./COMP-371, with the code files.
A compiled binary for Windows is also given in ./Compiled, along with the necessary shader, mesh, and texture files.

===== Controls =====

Space - Displace horse at random on the 100x100 grid
Home  - Returns horse and camera to default positions
Esc   - Closes the GL window

U - Scale horse up by adding a factor of 0.1
J - Scale horse down by removing a factor of 0.1 (clamped to stay greater than 0)

W - Move horse upwards one grid unit (Z-)
S - Move horse downwards one grid unit (Z+)
A - Move horse left one grid unit (X-)
D - Move horse right one grid unit (X+)

shift + W - Angle horse upwards 5 degrees (Z axis rotation)
shift + S - Angle horse downwards 5 degrees (Z axis rotation)
shift + A - Angle horse left 5 degrees (Y axis rotation)
shift + D - Angle horse right 5 degrees (Y axis rotation)

NOTES: The expected controls for the direction arrows were not very clear, so I implemented them how I thought they made sense
Up    - Move the camera forward one grid unit (Z-)
Down  - Move the camera backward one grid unit (Z+)
Left  - Move the camera left one grid unit (X-)
Right - Move the camera right one grid unit (X+)

P - Change polygons rendering mode to points
T - Change polygons rendering mode to triangles
L - Change polygons rendering mode to lines
B - Toggles textures rendering
X - Toggles shadows rendering
H - Toggles horse troop rendering/animations

0 - Bends head_to_neck joint +5 degrees
1 - Bends neck_to_torso joint +5 degrees
2 - Bends torso_to_front_upper_right_leg joint +5 degrees
3 - Bends front_right_knee joint +5 degrees
4 - Bends torso_to_hind_upper_right_leg joint +5 degrees
5 - Bends hind_right_knee joint +5 degrees
6 - Bends torso_to_front_upper_left_leg joint +5 degrees
7 - Bends front_left_knee joint +5 degrees
8 - Bends torso_to_hind_upper_left_leg joint +5 degrees
9 - Bends hind_left_knee joint +5 degrees

Shift + 0 - Bends head_to_neck joint -5 degrees
Shift + 1 - Bends neck_to_torso joint -5 degrees
Shift + 2 - Bends torso_to_front_upper_right_leg joint -5 degrees
Shift + 3 - Bends front_right_knee joint -5 degrees
Shift + 4 - Bends torso_to_hind_upper_right_leg joint -5 degrees
Shift + 5 - Bends hind_right_knee joint -5 degrees
Shift + 6 - Bends torso_to_front_upper_left_leg joint -5 degrees
Shift + 7 - Bends front_left_knee joint -5 degrees
Shift + 8 - Bends torso_to_hind_upper_left_leg joint -5 degrees
Shift + 9 - Bends hind_left_knee joint -5 degrees

===== Mouse controls =====

Right button hold  - Pans camera by sliding side to side
Middle button hold - Tilts camera by sliding up and down (Clamped to -89 to 89 degrees)
Left button hold   - Zooms camera by sliding up and down (Zooms up to a distance of 0.1)


COMP-371 Winter '18 Assignment 1


Language:C++ 92.9%Language:GLSL 5.3%Language:Objective-C 1.2%Language:C 0.7%