ChrisTregaskis / nodeBankingApp

Exercise building a simple banking app using node and mongoDB for the back end and React for the front end

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Exercise building a simple banking app using node and mongoDB for the back end and React for the front end


  1. Clone repo
  2. Run npm init in root of project to get modules for dependencies
  3. Create database in mongoDB with the name chrispyBank (make sure host is set to localhost:27017)
  4. Create collection called customerAccounts
  5. Run nodemon index.js to start application api and in another tab, npm start to start React


  • for local development use localhost:8080/whatYouRequire as your URL



  • Creates a new customer account
  • Required
    • customer_fname - customer's first name
    • customer_sname - customer's surname
    • balance
  • Sends:
    • { "customer_fname": "string", "customer_sname": "string", "balance": number }
  • Returns:
    • if successful
      • status 200
      • { "success": true, "message": "New customer account added!" }
    • if unsuccessful
      • status 500
      • { "success": false, "message": "First name, surname and balance are required" }



  • Updates customer account balance following a deposit/ withdrawal request
  • Required properties:
    • id
    • deposit OR witdrawal
  • Sends an array of:
    • { "id": "string", "deposit": number }
    • OR
    • { "id": "string", "withdrawal": number }
  • Returns:
    • if successful
      • status 200
      • { "success": true, "message": "Customer balance updated!" }
    • if unsuccessful, either of the following, depending on error:
      • status 500
      • missing id or either deposit or withdrawal -
        • { "success": false, "message": "Document id and either deposit or withdrawal values are required" }
      • trying to send deposit and withdrawal at the same time
        • { "success": false, "message": "Can not send a deposit and withdrawal at the same time. Must be separate requests" }
      • if database failed to update
        • { "success": false, "message": "modifiedCount 0. Failed to update." }



  • Does a HARD delete and removes customer account from db
  • Requires and sends:
    • { 'id' : number }
  • Returns:
    • if successful
      • status 200
      • { "success": true, "message": "Customer account successfully deleted!" }
    • if unsuccessful
      • status 500
    • missing an id input
      • { "success": false, "message": "Document Id required in order to delete account" }
    • if database failed to delete
      • { "success": false, "message": "Unsuccessfully deleted from database" }



  • Retrieves customer accounts that are either less than or greater than a given value
  • Requires keys and values:
    • filterType = string
      • value of filterType must either be less OR greater
    • filterValue = number
  • To send example: /filter?filterType=less&filterValue=10000
  • Returns:
    • if successful
      • status 200
      • { "customerAccounts": [ { "_id": "5e8eee8634a11e4cf60e8240", "account_number": 225123421, "branch": "Chrispy SW", "customer_fname": "Gemma", "customer_sname": "Tiel", "balance": 24300 } ]}
    • if unsuccessful
      • status 500
    • { "success": false, "message": "Unsuccessful. Api expecting filterType to either be 'less' or 'greater' " }



  • Retrieves a single customer account
  • Requires keys and values:
    • id = obj_id
  • To send example: /id?id=5e8eee8634a11e4cf60e8240
  • Returns:
    • if successful
      • status 200
      • { "customerAccounts": [ { "_id": "5e8eee8634a11e4cf60e8240", "account_number": 225123421, "branch": "Chrispy SW", "customer_fname": "Gemma", "customer_sname": "Tiel", "balance": 24300 } ]}


Exercise building a simple banking app using node and mongoDB for the back end and React for the front end


Language:JavaScript 89.3%Language:HTML 5.7%Language:CSS 5.0%