ChrisTopping / advent-of-code

Solutions to the Advent of Code problem sets.

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Advent of Code Solutions

Solutions to the Advent of Code problem sets.



Year Day Part Name                                          Result          Duration (s)
2015 1   1    Not Quite Lisp                                74              0.013
2015 1   2    Not Quite Lisp                                1795            0.008
2015 2   1    I Was Told There Would Be No Math             1606483         0.018
2015 2   2    I Was Told There Would Be No Math             3842356         0.009
2015 3   1    Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum        2081            0.011
2015 3   2    Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum        2341            0.016
2015 4   1    The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                    117946          0.332
2015 4   2    The Ideal Stocking Stuffer                    3938038         4.242
2015 5   1    Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This?        258             0.012
2015 5   2    Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This?        53              0.007
2015 6   1    Probably a Fire Hazard                        569999          0.061
2015 6   2    Probably a Fire Hazard                        17836115        0.063
2021 1   1    Sonar Sweep                                   1400            0.003
2021 1   2    Sonar Sweep                                   1429            0.006
2021 2   1    Dive!                                         1580000         0.002
2021 2   2    Dive!                                         1251263225      0.001
2021 3   1    Binary Diagnostic                             3374136         0.010
2021 3   2    Binary Diagnostic                             4432698         0.007
2021 4   1    Giant Squid                                   31424           0.037
2021 4   2    Giant Squid                                   23042           0.050
2021 5   1    Hydrothermal Venture                          6189            0.058
2021 5   2    Hydrothermal Venture                          19164           0.029
2021 6   1    Lanternfish                                   387413          0.004
2021 6   2    Lanternfish                                   1738377086345   0.003
2021 7   1    The Treachery of Whales                       345197          0.004
2021 7   2    The Treachery of Whales                       96361630        0.003
2021 8   1    Seven Segment Search                          272             0.008
2021 8   2    Seven Segment Search - Frequency              1007675         0.049
2021 8   2    Seven Segment Search - Frequency Density      1007675         0.010
2021 8   2    Seven Segment Search - Naive                  1007675         0.052
2021 9   1    Smoke Basin                                   537             0.010
2021 9   2    Smoke Basin - Set                             1142757         0.057
2021 9   2    Smoke Basin - Counting                        1142757         0.004
2021 10  1    Syntax Scoring                                311895          0.006
2021 10  2    Syntax Scoring                                2904180541      0.007
2021 11  1    Dumbo Octopus                                 1655            0.003
2021 11  2    Dumbo Octopus                                 337             0.008
2022 1   1    Calorie Counter                               66306           0.011
2022 1   2    Calorie Counter                               195292          0.001
2022 2   1    Rock Paper Scissors                           9759            0.014
2022 2   2    Rock Paper Scissors                           12429           0.005
2022 3   1    Rucksack Reorganization                       7980            0.008
2022 3   2    Rucksack Reorganization                       2881            0.009
2022 4   1    Camp Cleanup                                  582             0.002
2022 4   2    Camp Cleanup                                  893             0.001
2022 5   1    Supply Stacks                                 TDCHVHJTG       0.014
2022 5   2    Supply Stacks                                 NGCMPJLHV       0.006
2022 6   1    Tuning Trouble                                1578            0.004
2022 6   2    Tuning Trouble                                2178            0.002
2022 7   1    No Space Left On Device                       1084134         0.019
2022 7   2    No Space Left On Device                       6183184         0.008
2022 8   1    Treetop Tree House                            1543            0.075
2022 8   2    Treetop Tree House                            595080          0.064
2022 9   1    Rope Bridge                                   6057            0.020
2022 9   2    Rope Bridge                                   2514            0.028
2022 10  1    Cathode-Ray Tube                              11960           0.001
2022 10  2    Cathode-Ray Tube                              
####..##...##..#....#.....###.####.#..#. 0.001
2023 1   1    Trebuchet?!                                   54940           0.019
2023 1   2    Trebuchet?!                                   54208           0.018
2023 2   1    Cube Conundrum                                2162            0.011
2023 2   2    Cube Conundrum                                72513           0.005
2023 3   1    Gear Ratios                                   525119          0.059
2023 3   2    Gear Ratios                                   76504829        0.031
2023 4   1    Scratchcards                                  23235           0.014
2023 4   2    Scratchcards                                  5920640         0.010
2023 6   1    Wait For It                                   219849          0.001
2023 6   2    Wait For It                                   29432455        0.000
2023 7   1    Camel Cards                                   246424613       0.052
2023 8   1    Haunted Wasteland                             13019           0.018
2023 8   2    Haunted Wasteland                             13524038372771  0.053
2023 9   1    Mirage Maintenance                            1934898178      0.010
2023 9   2    Mirage Maintenance                            1129            0.009

Solved 72 solutions with a total duration: 5.826 seconds.


Use the following command to build and test the project:

./gradlew clean build

Use the following command to run only unit tests:

./gradlew clean test

Use the following command to run only integration tests:

./gradlew clean integrationTest


Use the following command to run all solutions:

./gradlew run

To run a selection of solutions, use the following solverArguments:

  • year - filter solutions by year
  • day - filter solutions by day
  • part - filter solutions by part
  • tag - filter solutions by tag
  • latest - filter latest N solutions
  • verbose - adds verbose logging
  • average - averages the run duration across a given number of iterations
  • fastest - filters only fastest solution for each unique problem


./gradlew run --args="year=2020,2021 day=1,2,3 part=2, tags=O(n),algebra latest=2 verbose=true average=100, fastest=true"

Tags can be negated using the ! character, e.g. the following will run all solutions which do not contain the alternative tag:

./gradlew run --args="tags=!alternative"

Adding solutions


You can scrape data needed to create an empty solution for today's problem with the following command:

./gradlew scrape --args="today=true"

Or optionally, to set the result type:

./gradlew scrape --args="today=true type=<type>"

To create a solution for a specific day in this way, use the following command:

./gradlew scrape --args="year=<year> day=<day>"

And to do this while setting the result type:

./gradlew scrape --args="year<year> day=<day> type=<type>"

This will generate:

  • a solution class for part 1
  • a solution class for part 2
  • a unit test for part 1
  • a unit test for part 2
  • an integration test for part 1
  • an integration test for part 2
  • a populated input file
  • a blank test input file

To use this feature, create a .env file in the root of the project and add an entry containing your long-lived session cookie:

SESSION=<your session cookie>

This can be obtained from inspecting cookies on the website when logged in. The session cookies generaly do not refresh until logout.


Use the following command to automatically generate a solution template:

./gradlew generate

Then enter the data when prompted.


To manually add a solution, implement the Solution<T> interface and annotate it with the @AdventOfCodeSolution annotation:

@AdventOfCodeSolution(year = 2015, day = 1, part = 1, description = "Let It Snow")
public class Day1Part1Solution implements Solution<Integer> {

    public Integer solve(Stream<String> inputStream) {

Add the problem data to a file with the format /year{year}/day{day}.txt in the main /resources directory.

A problem can have multiple implemented solutions.

A test can be created using the test data given during the problem, along with the given expected result for that data.

To do so:

  1. Add the test data to a file with the format /year{year}/day{day}.txt in the test /resources directory.
  2. Extend BaseTest<T>.
  3. Call the assertSolutionIsCorrect(solution, expected) to verify the solution returns the expected result.

Integration tests are used to verify that the final result accepted by Advent of Code is returned by the given solution. These are written in the same way as the unit tests, but use problem data from the main /resources directory.


Solutions to the Advent of Code problem sets.


Language:Java 100.0%