ChrisKlug / Azure-IaC-Showdown

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Azure Infrastructure as Code Showdown

This repo contains the source code used for my talk "Azure IaC Showdown".

It contains the completed code in one folder for each framework. Feel free to browse around and see which syntax you prefer.


To run the Bidep code, make sure that your Azure CLI is logged in to the correct subscription. This can be verified by running

> az account show

Note: If you are in the wrong subscription, you can use az account list to see the available subscriptions, and az account set -s <SUBSCRIPTION ID> to set the desired subscription.

Once that has been confirmed, you can set up the environment by running

> az group create -l NorthEurope -g iac-bicep

> az deployment group create -g iac-bicep -f main.bicep -p projectName=iac-bicep

The first command creates a Resource Group to deploy to, and the second creates the actual resources.

To view the websiteUrl output, you can run

> az deployment group show -g iac-bicep -n main --query properties.outputs.websiteUrl.value -o tsv

To remove the environment, you can run

> az group delete -n iac-bicep


To run the Terraform code, you need to first install Terraform. You can find more information about this at

Once you have Terraform installed, you need to verify that you have the Azure CLI set up properly (see Bicep section for this).

To download the required Terraform provider, you need to run

> terraform init

Once this has been done, you can deploy the environment by running

> terraform apply -var 'prefix=iac-tf'

To read the website_url output, you can run

> terraform output -raw website_url

To remove the environment, you can run

> terraform destroy


To run the Pulumi code, you first need to install Pulumi. You can find more information about this at

Once you have Pulumi installed, you need to verify that you have the Azure CLI set up properly (see Bicep section for this).

To run execute the Pulumi code, you just run

> pulumi up

However, this cammnd requires you to input a passphrase. For this project, the passprase is Password1!.

To view the websiteUrl output, you can run

> pulumi stack output websiteUrl

To remove the environment, you can run

> pulumi destroy


That should be all the information that you need to try out the code. If you have any other questions, or need help with IaC, send me a tweet. I'm available at @ZeroKoll.



Language:C# 44.4%Language:HCL 32.0%Language:Bicep 23.6%