ChrisBuilds / terminaltexteffects

Visual effects applied to text in the terminal.

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Terminal Text Effects

Inline Visual Effects in the Terminal

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version License

Table Of Contents



TerminalTextEffects is a collection of visual effects that run inline in the terminal. The underlying visual effect framework supports the following:

  • Xterm 256 color and RBG hex color support
  • Color gradients
  • Runs inline, preserving terminal state and workflow
  • Dynamic character movement with motion easing
  • Dynamic animations with symbol and color changes and animation easing
  • Effect customization through command line arguments


TerminalTextEffects is written in Python and does not require any 3rd party modules. Terminal interactions use standard ANSI terminal sequences and should work in most modern terminals.

Note: Windows Terminal performance is slow for some effects.


pip install terminaltexteffects OR pipx install terminaltexteffects


cat your_text | tte <effect> [options]


cat your_text | python -m terminaltexteffects <effect> [options]

  • Use <effect> -h to view options for a specific effect, such as color or movement direction.
    • Ex: tte decrypt -h


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xterm-colors        Convert any colors specified in RBG hex to the closest XTerm-256 color.
  --no-color            Disable all colors in the effect.
  --tab-width TAB_WIDTH
                        Number of spaces to use for a tab character.
  --no-wrap             Disable wrapping of text.

  Name of the effect to apply. Use <effect> -h for effect specific help.

                        Available Effects
    blackhole           Characters are consumed by a black hole and explode outwards.
    bouncyballs         Characters are bouncy balls falling from the top of the output area.
    bubbles             Characters are formed into bubbles that float down and pop.
    burn                Burns vertically in the output area.
    columnslide         Slides each column into place from the outside to the middle.
    crumble             Characters lose color and crumble into dust, vacuumed up, and reformed.
    decrypt             Display a movie style decryption effect.
    errorcorrect        Some characters start in the wrong position and are corrected in sequence.
    expand              Expands the text from a single point.
    fireworks           Characters launch and explode like fireworks and fall into place.
    middleout           Text expands in a single row or column in the middle of the output area then
    pour                Pours the characters into position from the given direction.
    rain                Rain characters from the top of the output area.
    randomsequence      Prints the input data in a random sequence.
    rings               Characters are dispersed and form into spinning rings.
    rowmerge            Merges rows of characters.
    rowslide            Slides each row into place.
    scattered           Move the characters into place from random starting locations.
    spray               Draws the characters spawning at varying rates from a single point.
    swarm               Characters are grouped into swarms and move around the terminal before settling
                        into position.
    test                effect_description
    unstable            Spawn characters jumbled, explode them to the edge of the output area, then
                        reassemble them in the correct layout.
    verticalslice       Slices the input in half vertically and slides it into place from opposite
    vhstape             Lines of characters glitch left and right and lose detail like an old VHS tape.
    waves               Waves travel across the terminal leaving behind the characters.

Ex: ls -a | python -m terminaltexteffects --xterm-colors decrypt -a 0.002 --ciphertext-color 00ff00
--plaintext-color ff0000 --final-color 0000ff


Note: All effects support extensive customization via effect specific arguments. The examples shown below only represent the default settings for a given effect.



tte fireworks -h
fireworks | Characters explode like fireworks and fall into place.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Minimum time, in seconds, between animation steps. This value does not normally need to be modified. Use this to increase the playback speed of all aspects of the effect. This will have
                        no impact beyond a certain lower threshold due to the processing speed of your device. (default: 0.01)
  --explode-anywhere    If set, fireworks explode anywhere in the output area. Otherwise, fireworks explode above highest settled row of text. (default: False)
  --firework-colors [(XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff]) ...]
                        Space separated list of colors from which firework colors will be randomly selected. (default: ['88F7E2', '44D492', 'F5EB67', 'FFA15C', 'FA233E'])
  --firework-symbol (single character)
                        Symbol to use for the firework shell. (default: o)
  --firework-volume (float 0 < n <= 1)
                        Percent of total characters in each firework shell. (default: 0.02)
  --final-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the final character. (default: ffffff)
  --launch-delay (int >= 0)
                        Number of animation steps to wait between launching each firework shell. (default: 60)
  --explode-distance (float 0 < n <= 1)
                        Maximum distance from the firework shell origin to the explode waypoint as a percentage of the total output area width. (default: 0.1)

Example: terminaltexteffects fireworks -a 0.01 --firework-colors 88F7E2 44D492 F5EB67 FFA15C FA233E --firework-symbol o --firework-volume 2 --final-color ffffff --launch-delay 60 --explode-distance 10



tte rain -h
rain | Rain characters from the top of the output area.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Minimum time, in seconds, between animation steps. This value does not normally need to be modified. Use this to increase the playback speed of all aspects of the effect. This will have
                        no impact beyond a certain lower threshold due to the processing speed of your device. (default: 0.01)
  --rain-colors [(XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff]) ...]
                        List of colors for the rain drops. Colors are randomly chosen from the list. (default: 0)
  --final-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the final character. (default: ffffff)
  --movement-speed (float > 0)
                        Falling speed of the rain drops. (default: 0.15)
  --easing EASING       Easing function to use for character movement. (default: IN_QUART)

    Note: A prefix must be added to the function name.
    All easing functions support the following prefixes:
        IN_  - Ease in
        OUT_ - Ease out
        IN_OUT_ - Ease in and out
    Easing Functions
    SINE   - Sine easing
    QUAD   - Quadratic easing
    CUBIC  - Cubic easing
    QUART  - Quartic easing
    QUINT  - Quintic easing
    EXPO   - Exponential easing
    CIRC   - Circular easing
    BACK   - Back easing
    ELASTIC - Elastic easing
    BOUNCE - Bounce easing
    Visit: for visualizations of the easing functions.

Example: terminaltexteffects rain -a 0.01 --rain-colors 39 45 51 21



tte decrypt -h
decrypt | Movie style decryption effect.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Time to sleep between animation steps. Defaults to 0.003 seconds.
  --ciphertext-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the ciphertext. Defaults to 40
  --plaintext-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the plaintext. Defaults to 208.

Example: terminaltexteffects decrypt -a 0.003 --cipher-text-color 40 --plain-text-color 208



tte spray -h
spray | Draws the characters spawning at varying rates from a single point.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Minimum time, in seconds, between animation steps. This value does not normally need to be modified. Use this to increase the playback speed of all aspects of the effect. This will have
                        no impact beyond a certain lower threshold due to the processing speed of your device. (default: 0.01)
  --spray-colors [(XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff]) ...]
                        List of colors for the character spray. Colors are randomly chosen from the list. (default: 0)
  --final-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the final character. (default: ffffff)
  --spray-position {n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,center}
                        Position for the spray origin. (default: e)
  --spray-volume (int > 0)
                        Maximum number of characters to spray at a time. (default: 5)
  --movement-speed (float > 0)
                        Movement speed of the characters. Note: Speed effects the number of steps in the easing function. Adjust speed and animation rate separately to fine tune the effect. (default: 0.7)
  --easing EASING       Easing function to use for character movement. (default: OUT_EXPO)

    Note: A prefix must be added to the function name.
    All easing functions support the following prefixes:
        IN_  - Ease in
        OUT_ - Ease out
        IN_OUT_ - Ease in and out
    Easing Functions
    SINE   - Sine easing
    QUAD   - Quadratic easing
    CUBIC  - Cubic easing
    QUART  - Quartic easing
    QUINT  - Quintic easing
    EXPO   - Exponential easing
    CIRC   - Circular easing
    BACK   - Back easing
    ELASTIC - Elastic easing
    BOUNCE - Bounce easing
    Visit: for visualizations of the easing functions.

Example: terminaltexteffects spray -a 0.01 --spray-position center --spray-volume 5 --movement-speed 0.7 --easing OUT_EXPO --spray-colors 10 11 12 --final-color 0



tte scattered -h
scattered | Move the characters into place from random starting locations.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Time between animation steps. (default: 0.01)
  --movement-speed (float > 0)
                        Movement speed of the characters. Note: Speed effects the number of steps in the easing function. Adjust speed and animation rate separately to fine tune the effect. (default: 0.5)
  --easing EASING       Easing function to use for character movement. (default: IN_OUT_BACK)

    Note: A prefix must be added to the function name.
    All easing functions support the following prefixes:
        IN_  - Ease in
        OUT_ - Ease out
        IN_OUT_ - Ease in and out
    Easing Functions
    SINE   - Sine easing
    QUAD   - Quadratic easing
    CUBIC  - Cubic easing
    QUART  - Quartic easing
    QUINT  - Quintic easing
    EXPO   - Exponential easing
    CIRC   - Circular easing
    BACK   - Back easing
    ELASTIC - Elastic easing
    BOUNCE - Bounce easing
    Visit: for visualizations of the easing functions.

Example: terminaltexteffects scattered --movement-speed 0.5 --easing IN_OUT_BACK



tte expand -h
expand | Expands the text from a single point.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Minimum time, in seconds, between animation steps. This value does not normally need to be modified. Use this to increase the playback speed of all aspects of the effect. This will have
                        no impact beyond a certain lower threshold due to the processing speed of your device. (default: 0.01)
  --movement-speed (float > 0)
                        Movement speed of the characters. Note: Speed effects the number of steps in the easing function. Adjust speed and animation rate separately to fine tune the effect. (default: 0.5)
  --easing EASING       Easing function to use for character movement. (default: IN_OUT_QUART)

    Note: A prefix must be added to the function name.
    All easing functions support the following prefixes:
        IN_  - Ease in
        OUT_ - Ease out
        IN_OUT_ - Ease in and out
    Easing Functions
    SINE   - Sine easing
    QUAD   - Quadratic easing
    CUBIC  - Cubic easing
    QUART  - Quartic easing
    QUINT  - Quintic easing
    EXPO   - Exponential easing
    CIRC   - Circular easing
    BACK   - Back easing
    ELASTIC - Elastic easing
    BOUNCE - Bounce easing
    Visit: for visualizations of the easing functions.

Example: terminaltexteffects expand -a 0.01 --movement-speed 0.5 --easing IN_OUT_QUART



tte burn -h
burn | Burn the output area.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Time between animation steps. Defaults to 0.03 seconds.
  --burned-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color faded toward as blocks burn. Defaults to 252525
  --flame-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the flame. Defaults to 0
  --final-color (XTerm [0-255] OR RGB Hex [000000-ffffff])
                        Color for the final character. Will leave as system default if not provided.

Example: terminaltexteffects burn -a 0.003 --flame-color ff9600 --burned-color 252525



tte pour -h
pour | Pours the characters into position from the given direction.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIMATION_RATE, --animation-rate ANIMATION_RATE
                        Minimum time, in seconds, between animation steps. This value does not normally need to be modified. Use this to increase the playback speed of all aspects of the effect. This will have
                        no impact beyond a certain lower threshold due to the processing speed of your device. (default: 0.004)
  --pour-direction {up,down,left,right}
                        Direction the text will pour. (default: down)
  --movement-speed (float > 0)
                        Movement speed of the characters. Note: Speed effects the number of steps in the easing function. Adjust speed and animation rate separately to fine tune the effect. (default: 0.2)
  --easing EASING       Easing function to use for character movement. (default: IN_QUAD)

    Note: A prefix must be added to the function name.
    All easing functions support the following prefixes:
        IN_  - Ease in
        OUT_ - Ease out
        IN_OUT_ - Ease in and out
    Easing Functions
    SINE   - Sine easing
    QUAD   - Quadratic easing
    CUBIC  - Cubic easing
    QUART  - Quartic easing
    QUINT  - Quintic easing
    EXPO   - Exponential easing
    CIRC   - Circular easing
    BACK   - Back easing
    ELASTIC - Elastic easing
    BOUNCE - Bounce easing
    Visit: for visualizations of the easing functions.

Example: terminaltexteffects pour -a 0.004 --pour-direction down



























In-Development Preview

Any effects shown below are in development and will be available in the next release.











Recent Changes


New Features

  • New effect, Vhstape. Lines of characters glitch left and right and lose detail like an old VHS tape.
  • New effect, Crumble. Characters lose color and fall as dust before being vacuumed up and rebuilt.
  • New effect, Rings. Characters are dispersed throughout the output area and form into spinning rings.
  • motion.Motion.chain_paths(list[Paths]) will automatically register Paths with the EventHandler to create a chain of paths. Looping is supported.
  • motion.Motion.find_coords_in_rect() will return a random selection of coordinates within a rectangular area. This is faster than using find_coords_in_circle() and should be used when the shape of the search area isn't important.
  • Terminal.OutputArea.coord_in_output_area() can be used to determine if a Coord is in the output area.
  • Paths have replaced Waypoints as the motion target specification object. Paths group Waypoints together and allow for easing motion and animations across an arbitrary number of Waypoints. Single Waypoint Paths are supported and function the same as Waypoints did previously. Paths can be looped with the loop argument.
  • Quadratic and Cubic bezier curves are supported. Control points are specified in the Waypoint object signature. When a control point is specified, motion will be curved from the prior Waypoint to the Waypoint with the control point, using the control point to determine the curve. Curves are supported within Paths.
  • New EventHandler.Event PATH_HOLDING is triggered when a Path enters the holding state.
  • New EventHandler.Action SET_CHARACTER_ACTIVATION_STATE can be used to modify the character activation state based on events.
  • New EventHandler.Action SET_COORDINATE can be used to set the character's current_coordinate attribute.
  • Paths have a layer attribute that can be used to automatically adjust the character's layer when the Path is activated. Has no effect when Path.layer is None, defaults to None.
  • New EventHandler.Events SEGMENT_ENTERED and SEGMENT_EXITED. These events are triggered when a character enters or exits a segment in a Path. The segment is specified using the end Waypoint of the segment. These events will only be called one time for each run through the Path. Looping Paths will reset these events to be called again.


  • graphics.Animation.random_color() is now a static method.
  • motion.Motion.find_coords_in_circle() now generates 7*radius coords in each inner-circle.
  • BlackholeEffect uses chain_paths() and benefits from better circle support for a much improved blackhole animation.
  • BlackholeEffect singularity Paths are curved towards center lines.
  • EventHandler.Event.WAYPOINT_REACHED removed and split into two events, PATH_HOLDING and PATH_COMPLETE.
  • EventHandler.Event.PATH_COMPLETE is triggered when the final Path Waypoint is reached AND holding time reaches 0.
  • Fireworks effect uses Paths and curves to create a more realistic firework explosion.
  • Crumble effect uses control points to create a curved vacuuming phase.
  • graphics.Gradient accepts an arbitrary number of color stops. The number of steps applies between each color stop.
  • motion.find_coords_in_circle() and motion.find_coords_in_rect() no longer take a num_points argument. All points in the area are returned.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed looping animations when synced to Path not resetting properly.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Visual effects applied to text in the terminal.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%