Chris-Luong / COMP6080

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ass 1

  • Static HTML/CSS for 4 tasks?

Ass 2

  • Vanilla Javascript to recreate Slack
  • Used Bootstrap components from CDN using a style and a script tag

Ass 3

  • React to recreate AirBnb
  • Used Material UI components from npm package


All tutorial exercises from the term including HTML, CSS, JS, Node, React, a11y, UI and component testing and more.

AJAX js-async-promise-to-await

  • Changes promise.then into asyc/await function
    .then(data => data.json())
    .then(data => do something with data)
    .catch(err => error handling)


try {
    const res = await fetch();
    const data = await res.json();
    do something with data
} catch (error) {
    error handling
  • Added a 500ms delay to the fetches after user input with setTimeout, clearTimeout within a useEffect function that contains the fetch

AJAX async-promises-all

  • Promise.all:
function {
    .then(companies => forEach(company) => do something);
  • Using async/await instead of .then() for above with some more details from code:
function {
    const companies = await Promise.all([fetchRepos("microsoft"), fetchRepos("google"), fetchRepos("apple")]);
    companies.forEach(company) => {company.forEach(repo) => console.log(repo)}
  • Resolve/reject:
    • Promise.all will reject if any fetch fails
    • Use promise.allSettled to return an array of fulfilled/rejected items so you can use some of the from the promise
function {
    const companies = await Promise.all(microsoftRepos, fakeRepos);
    companies.forEach(company) => {company.forEach(repo) => console.log(repo)}
// Will throw error response as promise rejects
  • Promise.allSettled:
    • Same as using promise.all, but to use fetch results, you will need to see if data.status === 'fulfilled'
    • Else you can log the error message with data.reason
function {
    const companies = await Promise.allSettled(microsoftRepos, fakeRepos);
    companies.forEach(company) => {
        if (company.status === "fulfilled") {
            company.value.forEach(repo => console.log(repo));
        } else {
// Will print microsoft repos and show error for fakeRepos

ASYNC js-ajax-recusive-fetch

  • Solution shows how to use Promise.all with map() instead of calling fetch in a for loop
  • Also shows how to break up code using a new Promise for the Promise.all version
  • Recursive fetch is shown in ASYNC async-nested-promises

REACT fullstack-interaction

  • Shows how to use setTimeout and clearTimeout
  • Splits string by commas, removes spaces
  • Uses useEffect, useState and promise.allSettled for fetches

REACT router-example

  • shows how to use useLocation, useParams (from the url) and useNavigate
    • useParams is probably useful since this was less used in assignment 3



Language:JavaScript 77.2%Language:HTML 17.3%Language:CSS 5.5%