Chris-Luong / COMP3900-capstone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


capstone-project-3900w18cmuffin created by GitHub Classroom

Setup Guide

This project has been containerised in a Docker container to help simplify the setup for the reader.


  • Assumes the reader has basic knowledge of UNIX shell commands.
  • Assumes the reader has Docker installed or has the capacity to understand how to install Docker.

Install Docker onto your operating system using the link below:

Ensure Docker is installed on your system by running the command:

docker --version

Ensure that PORT 3306, 8800, 8080 are all open and not in use on your local/physical machine.

netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT>

Ensure that your current working directory is the root folder of the repo.


Build and start the docker containers with the command:

docker-compose up --build

The initial build process will take some time, after the build is complete, docker will commence the initialisation of each container. The initialisation also takes roughly 5 minutes on the first build. After this is complete, the container is automatically started so you can simply navigate to localhost:3000.

To shutdown the container:

docker-compose stop

To start the container:

docker-compose start

To remove/delete the container (note: this will mean you will have to spend time building and initialising the container again, don't run this command until you no longer need to use the container):

docker-compose down

To attach to the container:

docker exec -it container_name bash

To run mysql queries in the attached MySQL container:

mysql -u root -p password queuequicker -e "query;"

To exit from the attached container:


To view stdout of container:

docker logs container_name

Container Names:




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