ChrSteinert / FsProfiler

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let's you track the execution times of definable pieces of code.


Disposing Profiler

The DisposingProfiler tracks the time taken between its instanciation and disposition. It is super easy to integrate and requires no manual "stopping".

open System.Net
open System.Xml.Linq

let linkCountOnPage (url : string) =
    use dp = new DisposingProfiler "Analyzing site"
    use client = new WebClient()
    let html = 
        use __ = dp.StartSubtask "Downloading"
        client.DownloadString url
    let result =
        use __ = dp.StartSubtask "Parsing HTML"
        let doc = XDocument.Parse html
        let rec getATag (elements : XElement seq) =
            |> Seq.filter (fun c -> c.Name.LocalName = "a")
            |> Seq.append (
                |> Seq.filter (fun c -> c.Name.LocalName <> "a") 
                |> Seq.collect (fun c -> c.Descendants () |> getATag))
        doc.Root.Descendants () |> getATag |> Seq.length

Set up a listener for events.

open FsProfiler.Listeners

use tObs = new ObservableTaskListener ()

This listener implements IObservable<Task>. You can easily observe completed tasks by subscribing to that listener. The easyest way is to just use one of the task formatters.

open FsProfiler.Output

let asd = tObs.Subscribe (TaskPrinter.print)

Execute the code

linkCountOnPage ""

As we subscribed to completed events with an printer that just outputs to the console we get the following output:

Analyzing site
    --- 230ms
    Parsing HTML
    --- 460ms
--- 690ms



Language:F# 100.0%