Chomtana / EventX-dom-event

Allow programmer to listen for attribue and child node of DOM element event.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

  • Allow programmer to listen for attribute and child node of DOM element event.
  • JQuery attribute event.
  • JQuery child node of DOM element event.

Table of content



<script src=""></script>


npm install eventx-css-event


Name Description Example
stylechange Listen to inline and media screen style change Click
stylechange:<...> Listen to inline and media screen style change (Only style <...>) Click
inlinestylechange Listen to inline style change Click
inlinestylechange:<...> Listen to inline style change (Only style <...>) Click
mediastylechange Listen to media style change
mediastylechange:<...> Listen to media style change (Only style <...>)

Why we need this library ???

Problem statement

I want to alert "Div Added" when div was added as a child node of #ex.

Before using this library

const target = $("#ex")[0];

var config = { childList: true };

const ob = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
  for (var mutation of mutationsList) {
    if ( == target && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
        if (node.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "DIV") {
          alert("Div Added");        

var config = { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ["style"]};

Note: Above example require JQuery

View and play in JSFiddle

After using this library

$("#ex").on("inlinestylechange",function(e) {
  if (e.oldStyleValue && e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" changed from "+e.oldStyleValue+" to "+e.newStyleValue);
  else if (!e.oldStyleValue && e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" added with value "+e.newStyleValue);
  else if (e.oldStyleValue && !e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" removed with old value "+e.oldStyleValue);

Note: Above example require JQuery

View and play in JSFiddle


  • First and final block obviously shorter.
  • Closer to english language.
  • Remember easier.

Without JQuery

evx.on(document.getElementById("ex"),"inlinestylechange",function(e) {
  if (e.oldStyleValue && e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" changed from "+e.oldStyleValue+" to "+e.newStyleValue);
  else if (!e.oldStyleValue && e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" added with value "+e.newStyleValue);
  else if (e.oldStyleValue && !e.newStyleValue) alert("Style "+e.styleName+" removed with old value "+e.oldStyleValue);

Yeah, still simple and easy.



You can find list of event name here


$("#ex").on("<event name>",function(e) { console.log(e,this); ... });
evx.on(<target HTMLElement>,"<event name>",function(e) { console.log(e,this); ... });
  • View all JQuery coding style at
  • e is a Edited MutationRecord object
  • this = target element (Warning: not working if you use arrow function)
  • For more information about Edited MutationRecord run console.log(e) in event handler or read here


$("#ex").off("<event name>");<target HTMLElement>,"<event name>",[handler (Optional)])

Rename Event (Solve event name conflict)

evx.renameEvent("<event name>","<newname>")

Create new event type

Read at EventX-core

Remove event type

Read at EventX-core

Edited MutationRecord

Property Name Type Description
target HTMLElement Target element which style has been changed
styleName String Name of style that has been changed
oldStyleValue String Value of that style before changed
newStyleValue String Value of that style after changed
changetype String "inline" if inline change or "media" if media change


Released under the MIT License Copyright © 2018 Chomtana


Allow programmer to listen for attribue and child node of DOM element event.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 92.9%Language:HTML 7.1%