ChocolateLoverRaj / nixos-chromebook

nixos on a chromebook

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A method of setting up audio, keyd, etc on NixOS.

I am not affiliated with Chrultrabook. Please don't ask them for help regarding NixOS.

The self-built package may break due to compatibility for NixOS, issues may occur and this isn't all perfect.


  • Working internet connection
  • A supported Chromebook
  • An understanding of Linux command line
  • Patience

Step 1: Create Configuration file(s)

Note that the configurations are applied to configuration.nix located in /etc/nixos.

Running the command sudo nixos-rebuild switch will rebuild your installation and apply the changes made.

First things first, for Chromebook-related configuration, we will create chrome-device.nix.

sudo touch /etc/nixos/chrome-device.nix

Then at the top of our configuration.nix we import chrome-device.nix.

# configuration.nix
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system.  Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’).

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  imports =
      # Include the results of the hardware scan.

    # the rest of your configuration...

Step 2: ALSA UCM configuration

Build the package in chrome-device.nix and setup Keyd

# chrome-device.nix
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

  cb-ucm-conf = with pkgs; alsa-ucm-conf.overrideAttrs {
    wttsrc = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "WeirdTreeThing";
      repo = "alsa-ucm-conf-cros";
      rev = "6b395ae73ac63407d8a9892fe1290f191eb0315b";
      hash = "sha256-GHrK85DmiYF6FhEJlYJWy6aP9wtHFKkTohqt114TluI=";
    unpackPhase = ''
      runHook preUnpack
      tar xf "$src"
      runHook postUnpack

    installPhase = ''
      runHook preInstall
      mkdir -p $out/share/alsa
      cp -r alsa-ucm*/ucm2 $out/share/alsa
      runHook postInstall
    services.keyd = {
    enable = true;
    keyboards.internal = {
      ids = [
      settings = {
        main = {
          f1 = "back";
          f2 = "forward";
          f3 = "refresh";
          f4 = "f11";
          f5 = "scale";
          f6 = "brightnessdown";
          f7 = "brightnessup";
          f8 = "mute";
          f9 = "volumedown";
          f10 = "volumeup";
          back = "back";
          forward = "forward";
          refresh = "refresh";
          zoom = "f11";
          scale = "scale";
          brightnessdown = "brightnessdown";
          brightnessup = "brightnessup";
          mute = "mute";
          volumedown = "volumedown";
          volumeup = "volumeup";
          sleep = "coffee";
        meta = {
          f1 = "f1";
          f2 = "f2";
          f3 = "f3";
          f4 = "f4";
          f5 = "f5";
          f6 = "f6";
          f7 = "f7";
          f8 = "f8";
          f9 = "f9";
          f10 = "f10";
          back = "f1";
          forward = "f2";
          refresh = "f3";
          zoom = "f4";
          scale = "f5";
          brightnessdown = "f6";
          brightnessup = "f7";
          mute = "f8";
          volumedown = "f9";
          volumeup = "f10";
          sleep = "f12";
        alt = {
          backspace = "delete";
          meta = "capslock";
          brightnessdown = "kbdillumdown";
          brightnessup = "kbdillumup";
          f6 = "kbdillumdown";
          f7 = "kbdillumup";
        control = {
          f5 = "print";
          scale = "print";
        controlalt = {
          backspace = "C-A-delete";

  # add your audio setup modprobes here

  environment = {
    systemPackages = [ pkgs.sof-firmware ];
    sessionVariables.ALSA_CONFIG_UCM2 = "${cb-ucm-conf}/share/alsa/ucm2";

  # AUDIO SETUP FOR > 24.05

  system.replaceRuntimeDependencies = [
      original = pkgs.alsa-ucm-conf;
      replacement = cb-ucm-conf;

The rest of this process varies between AVS and SOF. Pay attention to the # AUDIO SETUP FOR... comment(for your NixOS version), this will be replaced later in configuration.

Step 2A: Determine versions

You can check your NixOS channel with:

nix-channel --list

CPU generations to determine AVS or SOF for your Chromebook

Skylake Alderlake
Kabylake Jasperlake
Apollolake Tigerlake

If your CPU generation isn't listed, please make a pull request!

Step 2B: Configuration based on Step 2A

SOF Configuration:

Depending on your NixOS verion, replace one of the comments in chrome-device.nix.

Replace # AUDIO SETUP FOR < 23.11 AND UNSTABLE with this if this comment applies to your NixOS version!

# chrome-device.nix
# for 23.11 and unstable
etc = {
  "wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-increase-headroom.lua".text = ''
      rule = {
        matches = {
            { "", "matches", "alsa_output.*" },
        apply_properties = {
          ["api.alsa.headroom"] = 4096,


Replace # AUDIO SETUP FOR > 24.05 with this if this comment applies to your NixOS version!

# chrome-device.nix
  # additonal configuration...

  # for 24.05
  services.pipewire.wireplumber.configPackages = [
    (pkgs.writeTextDir "share/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-increase-headroom.lua" ''
      rule = {
        matches = {
            { "", "matches", "alsa_output.*" },
        apply_properties = {
          ["api.alsa.headroom"] = 4096,


  # additonal configuration...

AVS Configuration:

Depending on your NixOS verion, replace one of the comments in chrome-device.nix.

Replace # AUDIO SETUP FOR < 23.11 AND UNSTABLE with this if this comment applies to your NixOS version!

# chrome-device.nix
# for 23.11 and unstable
etc = {
  "wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-avs-dmic.lua".text = ''
    rule = {
      matches = {
          { "node.nick", "equals", "Internal Microphone" },
      apply_properties = {
        ["audio.format"] = "S16LE",

    table.insert(alsa_monitor.rules, rule)

Replace # AUDIO SETUP FOR > 24.05 with this if this comment applies to your NixOS version!

# chrome-device.nix
  # additonal configuration...

  # for 24.05
  services.pipewire.wireplumber.configPackages = [
    (pkgs.writeTextDir "share/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-avs-dmic.lua" ''
      rule = {
        matches = {
            { "node.nick", "equals", "Internal Microphone" },
        apply_properties = {
          ["audio.format"] = "S16LE",

      table.insert(alsa_monitor.rules, rule)

  # additonal configuration...

Step 2C: Modprobes

This directly relies on what CPU generation you have

SOF modprobe config for Alderlake, Jasperlake, Tigerlake, Cometlake, and Geminilake

# chrome-device.nix
  boot = {
    extraModprobeConfig = ''
      options snd-intel-dspcfg dsp_driver=3

  # additonal configuration...

SOF modprobe config for Braswell and Baytrail

# chrome-device.nix
  boot = {
    extraModprobeConfig = ''
      options snd-intel-dspcfg dsp_driver=3
      options snd-sof sof_debug=1

  # additonal configuration...

AVS modprobe config for Skylake, Kabylake, and Apollolake

# chrome-device.nix
  boot = {
    extraModprobeConfig = ''
      options snd-intel-dspcfg dsp_driver=4

  # additonal configuration...

Step 3: Post-Install

From here, you'll need to rebuild your configuration

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

Changes should apply, you can reboot if necessary.

Feel free to see my configuration to see how I did all this!


nixos on a chromebook

License:MIT License


Language:Nix 100.0%