ChocolateLoverRaj / js-no-class

Why you should not use classes in JavaScript

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Stop writing class in JavaScript

This writing is to try to convince you to stop doing this:

class Person {
  constructor (name: string) { = name  
  sayHello () {
    return `Hello ${}`
  sayBye () {
    return `Bye ${}`

and do this instead:

const sayHello = name => `Hello ${name}`

const sayBye = name =>  `Bye ${name}`

Advantages To Switching

Can have multiple files

class: In the example, the class is very small and simple. Real classs are often >100 lines long. It can get very messy and hard to understand what is going on.

No class: You can split your code into however many files you want. The file name can make it clear what that file's code is doing, and it's easier to understand when you see less lines of code.

Example: sayHello.js

// Say hello


// Say bye

Code Splitting

When you write a class, sometimes not all of its methods are used. class is harder to do code splitting than functions. It really bothers me when I am using a library which has a class with a lot of methods that I'm not going to use:

class Counter {
  set () {}
  reset () {}
  add () {}
  addOne () {}
  subtractOne () {}
  subtract () {}

Can't extend >1 class

Here is an example of two usefull classs:

class MultiKeyMap extends Map {
  // Methods overrided to use multiple keys 
  get () {}
  set () {}
  has () {}
  delete () {}
class DefaultedMap {
  constructor (getDefault) {}
  // Calls `getDefault` if no key
  get () {}

What if you wanted a DefaultedMultiKeyMap? There is no way to do this that isn't messy. Here is a messy way, based on this StackOverflow answer:

const getDefaultedMap = BaseMap => class extends BaseMap {
  // Defaulted map overrides

const DefaultedMultiKeyMap = getDefaultedMap(MultiKeyMap)

One problem with this is that it relies on the defaulted map to be a function which returns a custom class. If you're using a js library and it's a class, it probably doesn't have a way to be based off of two classes.

Here is what you can do using flexible functions:


const get = (keys, internalGet) => {}


const get = (key, defaultFn, internalGet) => {}


const get = (map, key) => map.get(key)

Your code

const normalMap = new Map()

getOrDefault(['key1', 'key2'], keys => getMultiKey(keys, keys => normalMapGet(normalMap, keys)))

With this way the only data you have to store is a normal Map!

Using flexible functions

The examples will use TypeScript because it's easier to understand the data types.

Emitter example

There are so many different emitters you can use in JavaScript. The most common emitters are Node.js EventEmitter and eventemitter3. Both of these emitters are class. This example will show a very flexible emitter, which is emitter logic which you can wrap in anything.

type ForEachCallback<ItemData> = (itemData: ItemData) => void
type ForEach<ForEachData, ItemData> = (data: ForEachData, callback: ForEachCallback<ItemData>) => void

type Listener<T extends unknown[]> = (...inputs: T) => void
const emit = <ForEachData, T extends unknown[]>(
  forEachData: ForEachData, 
  forEach: ForEach<ForEachData, Listener<T>>
): void => {
  forEach(forEachData, listener => listener())

Things that make this emitter very flexible:

  • No requirement of needing a Set, Array, or Map to store listeners. Instead of using Array.prototype.forEach(), it lets you customize the forEach function.
  • No requirement of how you add / remove listeners

Example usages of emit:

With Array

const arrayForEach: ForEach<unknown[], unknown> = (arr, callback) => arr.forEach(callback)

emit(myArrayOfListeners, arrayForEach)

With Set

const setForEach: ForEach<Set<unknown>, unknown> = (set, callback) => set.forEach(callback)

emit(mySetOfListeners, arrayForEach)


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Why you should not use classes in JavaScript