Chloe-mxxxxc / Attention_Anchors

Code to address Natural Language Generation Tasks via Sequence to Sequence Architecture with Attention Mechanism

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Attention Anchors

The main purpose of this repo is to implement Attention applied GRU based Encoder-Decoder Model in three NLG tasks from scratch and measure its performance. Each task is Neural Machine Translation, Dialogue Generation, Abstractive Text Summarization. The model architecture has implemented by referring to the famous Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate paper, and WMT14, Daily-Dialogue, Daily-CNN datasets have used for each task. Machine translation and Dialogue generation deal with relatively short sequences, but summarization task covers long sequences. Since it is difficult to properly handle long sentences with only the basic Encoder-Decoder structure, hierarchical encoder structure is used for summary task. Except for that, all configurations are the same for the three tasks.

Model desc

The main idea of Attention Mechanism came from Human's Brain Cognition Process. People live with a variety of information, but when faced with a specific problem, people usually focus on the information needed to solve the problem. We call this as an Attention. The Architecture also use Encoder-Decoder architecture just like Sequence-to-Sequence did, but the difference is that the Decoder uses simplified Badanau Attention Operation to make predictions. By using Attention Mechanism, the model could avoid Bottle Neck problem, which results in Better performances in Quantative and Qualitive Evaluation at the same time.


The default values for experimental variables are set as follows, and each value can be modified by editing the config.yaml file.

Vocab Config Model Config Training Config
Vocab Size:30,000 Input Dimension: 30,000 Epochs: 10
Vocab Type:BPE Output Dimension: 30,000 Batch Size: 32
PAD Idx, Token:0, [PAD] Embedding Dimension: 256 Learning Rate: 1e-3
UNK Idx, Token:1, [UNK] Hidden Dimension: 512 iters_to_accumulate: 4
BOS Idx, Token:2, [BOS] N Layers: 2 Gradient Clip Max Norm: 1
EOS Idx, Token:3, [EOS] Drop-out Ratio: 0.5 Apply AMP: True

To shorten the training speed, three techiques are used.

  • Pre Tokenization
  • Accumulative Loss Update, as shown in the table above, accumulative frequency has set 4.
  • Application of AMP, which enables to convert float32 type vector into float16 type vector.

How to Use

First clone git repo in your local env

git clone

Download and Process Dataset via

bash -task [all, nmt, dialog, sum]

Execute the run file on your purpose (search is optional)

python3 -task [nmt, dialog, sum] -mode [train, test, inference] -search [greedy, beam]



Code to address Natural Language Generation Tasks via Sequence to Sequence Architecture with Attention Mechanism


Language:Python 100.0%