ChihLi / StackingDesign-Reproducibility

This instruction aims to reproduce the results in the paper “Stacking designs: designing multifidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy” by Sung, Ji, Mak, Wang, and Tang (2024) JUQ.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comChihLi/StackingDesign-ReproducibilityRepository from Github https://github.comChihLi/StackingDesign-Reproducibility

This instruction aims to reproduce the results in the paper “Stacking designs: designing multifidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy” by Sung, Ji, Mak, Wang, and Tang (2024), SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 12(1), 157-181.

The code folder reproduces the result in Section 5 of the manuscript.

  • currin_example.R reproduces the results of Section 5.1.
  • poisson_example.R reproduces the results of Section 5.2.
  • blade_example.R reproduces the results of Section 5.3.

The following R packages are required to run the code:

  • matlabr (>=1.5.2)
  • randtoolbox (>=2.0.2)
  • RColorBrewer (>=1.1-3)
  • ggplot2 (>=3.3.6)
  • gridExtra (>=2.3)
  • plgp (>=1.1-11)

MATLAB needs to be installed in order to run the finite element simulations. The MATLAB code can be accessed from the folder Rmatlab_files.


This instruction aims to reproduce the results in the paper “Stacking designs: designing multifidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy” by Sung, Ji, Mak, Wang, and Tang (2024) JUQ.


Language:R 91.8%Language:MATLAB 8.2%