ChewingPencils / evernote_alfred_workflows

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Evernote Tools

Daily Notes (Log)

  • Creates one new note with titled "Daily Notes for YYYY-MM-DD".
  • The note is created in a notebook called "Daily Notes".
  • After the note is created, additional calls will append to the note.
  • Useful if used in conjunction with Drafts.

dn : Appends to Daily Notes note.

dn+cmd : Appends to Daily Notes note and opens the the note.

Date Stamps

  • Append date stamp to note body.
  • Append date stamp to note body and prepend title.

Move and Tag Selected Notes

  • Move the selected note(s) to the Filing Cabinet notebook; tags are optional.
    • +cmd adds tag receipt.
  • Move the selected note(s) to the Commonplace notebook; tags are optional.
    • +cmd adds tag quote.
  • Move the selected note(s) to the Gift Ideas notebook; tags are optional.
  • Move the selected note(s) to the Code Snippets notebook; tagged code; additional tags are optional.
  • Move the selected note(s) to the Mistakes notebook; tagged definition and word.

Move to notebook

  • Move selected note(s) to the How-To notebook.
  • Move selected note(s) to the General Reference notebook.
  • Move selected note(s) to the Timeline notebook.
  • Move selected note(s) to the Inbox notebook

Note Bits

  • Get note history.
  • Get note information.
  • Get note link.
  • Make note plain text.
  • Set note's URL to the front Safari Tab.


  • Move to Tags.
  • Move to Notes.
  • Move to Notebooks.

Running Lists

  • An Example of how to append to a specific note.


  • Tag selected note(s) with wife's name and family.
  • Tag selected note(s) with son's name and family.
  • Set Tags.
    • Tags can not have spaces.
    • Tags are separated by spaces.
  • Delete Tag.
    • Warning: Will also delete sub-tags.


  • Find and Replace Text in Note Title(s).
  • Title case.
  • Prepend Title.

Evernote Search Tools

NB: There is more functionality than listed here:

  1. Most search actions can be opened in a new window with the action modifier: cmd.
  2. All Search action have optional queries. Just type the keyword a space and a query term.

es : Basic Evernote search.

eut : Notes updated today.

euy : Notes updated yesterday.

ewr : Weekly Review - All notes updated the past week.

ect : Notes created today.

ecy : Notes created yesterday.

ec1w : Notes created last week.

ec2w : Notes created two weeks ago.

ec3w : Notes created three weeks ago.

ecl : Notes with any checkboxes.

ecl+opt : Notes with unchecked checkboxes.

epdf : Notes with PDF Attachments.

epdf+Shift : Notes without PDF Attachments.

eclip : Notes containing web clippings.

eclip+Shift : Notes without web clippings.

eshared : Notes that are shared.

eiphoto : Notes with images from iPhone. (Mobile)

eiphoto+Shift : Notes without images from iPhone. (Mobile)

emob : Notes created by a mobile device.

emob+Shift : Notes not created by a mobile device.

eapp : Notes created by apps other than Evernote.

eapp+Shift : Notes not created by apps other than Evernote.

etitle : Search for notes that contain the query in the title.

etitle+Shift : Search for notes that do not contain the query in the title.

eimg : Notes that contain image attachments.

eimg+opt : Notes that contain Gif attachments.

eimg+Shift : Notes that do not contain image attachments.

NB: The Following Actions Do Not Have a cmd Modifier.

eaudio : Notes that contain audio attachments.

evid : Notes that contain video attachments.

eexcel : Notes that contain MS Excel attachments.

eword : Notes that contain MS Word attachments.

epp : Notes that contain MS Powerpoint attachments.

A Few Examples Regarding Tags and notebooks

ecml : Child Medical Log. Searches on two tags: 'your_childs_name_here' and 'medical'.

erbls : Reading Backlog - Security. Searches notebook "Books to read" and tag "security".

Evernote Templates

See Taming the Elephant: Awesome Evernote Tips and Tricks for how to make templates. I'm currently rethinking my templates, but this is a very simple example of how you can trigger them with Alfred.

NB: You need to add the path to your template file in the AppleScript.

One thing to remember: the content of a note is HTML. You could make some very stylish notes if that floats your boat.
