Chetan11-dev / rest-nest

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Hello Brother, Do not skip me you will learn from me.

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This application as a guide to developers to help them understand

  • Making Nestjs Application with Modular code
  • As a bonus to enhance your arrays knowledge by creating complete in memory crud operations I attempted to make the app run straight out of the box so I implemented all the crud operations in memory.

Helpful advice

  • The src/utils folder is packed up with number of utility files which helps in development.
  • Also use postman to make requests for application which has the ability to make professional and great docs.
  • Postman has the ability to test the rest points which you could employ if using a microservice architecture.
  • In case you have a unix based enviroment you could add this to your .bashrc (Google it if you seem unfamilar) file with that you only need to issue feature moduleName and a complete module will be available to you. If you are on windows you could use snest g module moduleName && nest g service moduleName --no-spec && nest g controller moduleName --no-spec
    feature() {

        if [ "$1" = "cl" ]; then
            nest g cl "$2" --no-spec
            nest g module "$1" --no-spec 
            nest g service "$1" --no-spec
            nest g controller "$1" --no-spec

Although the app is simple enough feautering 1-n reationship between fruit and fruitvarieties but I will guide you through the process to be used when building serious backends

  • Use an ER tool it is going to help you visulize your database
  • After that you may use our old friend pen and paper jot down the modules and controllers which would be needed and their interactions.
  • Follow bootom to top approch go with controllers and map down the request mappings when developing the crud Section you could use the RestInterface available at src/nest-utils/rest.service.ts

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ npm install 
$ npm run start:dev



Language:TypeScript 96.5%Language:JavaScript 3.5%