Chesham / cppext

Header only extension methods of C++

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


cppext is an open-source, header-only extension library for C++.


Just add #include <chesham/cppext/cppext.hpp> in your source code and using namespace chesham.

Then you can go with those extension methods such as replace, split for std::string.


For samples, please visit the source files under cppext/test/ folder.

asynchronous HTTP client

Provide a HTTP client object using IOCP to retrive data on Windows.

Performing HTTP GET with auto decompression.

net::http_client cli;
// Perform and return a future object
auto task = cli.get("");
auto& response = *task.get();
const auto& buffers = response.buffers();
const auto& headers = response.headers();
stringstream ss;
for (const auto& buffer : buffers)
    ss << string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
auto _ = ss.str();
// The `_` possibly is:
// HTTP/1.0 200 OK
// Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
// Vary: Accept-Encoding
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
// Content-Encoding: gzip
// X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 88c4c1c072ba4ef2b7c15dd84faf22ae
// Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 04:35:46 GMT
// Server: Google Frontend
// Cache-Control: private
// Content-Length: 77
// Thank you for this dump. I hope you have a lovely day!

Performing HTTP POST.

net::http_client cli;
auto task ="", make_shared<net::buffer_type>(net::buffer_type(5, '?')));
auto& response = *task.get();
const auto& buffers = response.buffers();
const auto& headers = response.headers();
stringstream ss;
for (const auto& buffer : buffers)
    ss << string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
auto _ = ss.str();
// The `_` possibly is:
// HTTP/1.0 200 OK
// Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
// Vary: Accept-Encoding
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
// Content-Encoding: gzip
// X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 4ebaff822e3fa7f149dbf3f65acc92ba
// Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 04:40:04 GMT
// Server: Google Frontend
// Cache-Control: private
// Content-Length: 77
// Thank you for this dump. I hope you have a lovely day!

asynchronous file I/O

Read file in bytes.

auto target = make_shared<cppext::io::async_file>(R"(Lorem Ipsum.txt)");
auto future = target->read_bytes(0, 10);
// do other tasks
Assert::AreEqual((size_t)10, future.get()->size());

Write string to file.

auto target = make_shared<cppext::io::async_file>("output.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
auto data = "hello world\n"s;
auto fut = target->write_string(0, data);
Assert::AreEqual(data.size(), fut.get());


Provides a thread-safe, generic subject/observer pattern. The observer can exit at anytime.

subject sub;
auto isEventInvoked = false;
auto e = make_shared<decltype(sub)::event_type>([&](...) { isEventInvoked = true; });
sub += e;

Observer exits with auto unsubscribes. (But not thread-safe, please use managed observer unless you need to manage it manually)

subject sub;
auto isEventInvoked = false;
auto e = make_shared<decltype(sub)::event_type>([&](...) { isEventInvoked = true; });
sub += e;

With managed observer.

subject sub;
auto isEventInvoked = false;
auto e = sub += [&](...) { isEventInvoked = true; };

Exited safely with managed observer in concurrent scenario.

auto isInvoked = false;
subject sub;
    mutex mtx;
    unique_lock<mutex> l(mtx);
    condition_variable waiter;
    auto isReleased = false;
    auto suber = sub += [&](...)
        unique_lock<mutex> l(mtx);
        isInvoked = true;
        Logger::WriteMessage("event invoked\n");
        while (!waiter.wait_for(l, 10ms, [&] { return isReleased; }));
        Logger::WriteMessage("event completed\n");
    auto task = async([&] { sub.notify(); });
    auto cleanTask = async([&, suber = move(suber)]() mutable
        unique_lock<mutex> l(mtx);
        waiter.wait(l, [&] { return isInvoked; });
        isReleased = true;
        Logger::WriteMessage("subscriber exiting with auto synchronize ...\n");
        suber = nullptr;
        Logger::WriteMessage("subscriber exited\n");

// The log after executed
//    event invoked
//    subscriber exiting with auto synchronize ...
//    event completed
//    subscriber exited

Deal with user-defined event arguments.

struct my_event_args : public cppext::event_args
    bool isCancelled{ false };

struct subject : public cppext::subject<cppext::event_args>
    typedef cppext::subject<cppext::event_args> base;

    void notify(my_event_args& args)
        decltype(base::subs) subs;
            lock_guard<mutex> l(base::mtx);
            subs = base::subs;
        for (auto& i : subs)
            auto e = i.lock();
            if (!e)
                (*e)(this, args);
                if (args.isCancelled)
            catch (const exception&)

subject sub;
auto isSub1Invoked = false;
auto isSub2Invoked = false;
auto sub1 = sub += [&](auto, auto& e)
    if (dynamic_cast<const my_event_args*>(&e))
        auto& args = dynamic_cast<my_event_args&>(e);
        args.isCancelled = true;
        isSub1Invoked = true;
auto sub2 = sub += [&](auto, auto& e)
    if (dynamic_cast<const my_event_args*>(&e))
        isSub2Invoked = true;
my_event_args args;


Test whether the elements in two ranges are equal sequentially, and the size of two ranges might be different.

auto s1 = { 10, 20, 33, 50, 230, 70 };
auto s2 = { 10, 20, 33, 50, 230, 70 };
Assert::IsTrue(cppext::sequence_equal(begin(s1), end(s1), begin(s2), end(s2)));

auto s3 = { 10, 20, 33, 50, 70 };
Assert::IsFalse(cppext::sequence_equal(begin(s1), end(s1), begin(s3), end(s3)));

auto str1 = "hello world"s;
auto str2 = "hello world"s;
Assert::IsTrue(cppext::sequence_equal(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end()));


Replace substring with string.

auto src = "hello world heworldllo"s;
auto expect = "hello c++ hec++llo"s;
auto actual = cppext::ext(src).replace("world", "c++");
Assert::AreEqual(expect, (decltype(expect))actual);

With limits.

auto src = "hello world heworldllo"s;
auto expect = "hello c++ heworldllo"s;
auto actual = cppext::ext(src).replace("world", "c++", 1);
Assert::AreEqual(expect, (decltype(expect))actual);

With abstract data even integer.

auto src = "hello world heworldllo"s;
auto expect = "hello 123 he123llo"s;
auto actual = cppext::ext(src).replace("world", 123);
Assert::AreEqual(expect, (decltype(expect))actual);


Split string into vector with specific delimiter.

auto target = ",1,,2,3,4,5,6,";
auto expect = vector<string>{ "", "1", "", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "" };
auto actual = cppext::ext(target).split(",");
Assert::IsTrue(cppext::sequence_equal(expect.begin(), expect.end(), actual.begin(), actual.end()));

With limits.

auto target = ",1,,2,3,4,5,6,";
auto expect = vector<string>{ "", "1", "" };
auto actual = cppext::ext(target).split(",", false, 3);
Assert::IsTrue(cppext::sequence_equal(expect.begin(), expect.end(), actual.begin(), actual.end()));

Skip while string is empty.

auto target = ",1,,2,3,4,5,6,";
auto expect = vector<string>{ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" };
auto actual = cppext::ext(target).split(",", true);
Assert::IsTrue(cppext::sequence_equal(expect.begin(), expect.end(), actual.begin(), actual.end()));


Header only extension methods of C++

License:MIT License


Language:C 63.0%Language:C++ 8.6%Language:Assembly 8.0%Language:Ada 5.0%Language:Pascal 4.2%Language:C# 3.1%Language:HTML 1.7%Language:Makefile 1.7%Language:DIGITAL Command Language 1.5%Language:Objective-C 1.2%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:CMake 0.5%Language:Roff 0.4%Language:Perl 0.2%Language:SAS 0.1%Language:Module Management System 0.1%Language:M4 0.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%