Che4ter / project-platypus

a fancy hashtag based feedback tool for universities inspired by jodel and twitter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Back-End REST-API written in PHP using the Slim-Framework.

API Documentation

(work in progress)

General API URL:

Type Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.



  • all user: /user
  • user by id: /user/<id>


  • new user: /user -> only user with email are allowed to register



  • all feedback: /feedback
  • all feedback with updated date > lastsync: /feedback?lastsync=val lastsync must be a unixtimestamp
  • feedback by ID: /feedback/<id>

not yet implemented

  • feedback by user ID: /feedback/?user_id=<id>
  • feedback by hashtag: /feedback/?hashtag[]=<hashtag1>&hashtag[]=<hashtag2>


  • new feedback: /feedback



  • all hashtag: /hashtag


If you've used nix before you might find it usable to get all required dependencies automatically. See here

Or just install the dependencies yourself:

PHP Development Web-Server

PHPs internal web server is used for development. That means the public/.htaccess file has no affect. Make sure to configure it properly when running this project on Apache or Nginx.



You need to install the package to run php as a command line tool. In most distros this package is called php-cli.


Visit and install composer. There may also be a package available for your distribution.

You can also just download the composer.phar file and run php composer.phar instead of composer. This way you don't need to install anything.

If you've installed composer run one of the following commands (depending on how you've installed composer):

composer install
php composer.phar install

This will download an install the projects PHP dependencies into the ./vendor/ directory.

Running the Development Web Server

You can either run the Development Web-Server through composer or by using the ./ script.

composer run start

In the past the version with the script was more reliable because composer has an internal timeout and the server may get killed after 3 minutes.


Move the .env.example to .env and set up your database correctly. Only MySQL is supported as of now (because of the SQL script to import the database, eloquent would support other databases as well).

Use the devScripts/ script to bring your database to the newest state.
Warning: This script will delete your old data and SHOULD NOT be run in production environments.

Use this if if you want to initialise the database:

devScripts/ --renew --seed

Warning: --renew will drop the database you defined in .env. Run it without the renew if you want to set the permissions and create the database yourself.

Use the --docker option to use the mysqlclient inside a docker container.


PHPUnit is used as the testing framework. Use either of the following commands to run the tests:

phpunit # uses phpunit provided by the system
vendor/bin/phpunit # used phpunit provided by composer
composer run test # call phpunit through composer

the testsin tests/Functional use a testing database which can be configured in .testenv.

To initialise the test database used by the phpunit tests use the following command:

devScripts/ --renew --seed --test

Developer Info

How to setup your system

  1. create database: mysql -u root -p < ./db/db.sql
  2. add dummy data to your db: mysql -u platypus -p platypusDb < ./db/dummy_data_import.sql
  3. make sure you have to have JWT_SECRET AND JWT_TOKEN in your .env file
  4. run ./devScripts/
  5. run ./devScripts/
  6. try to make a GET request on localhost:8080/api/v1/user with Header "Authorization" "Bearer %YourToken%" (you find your token under /tmp/project-platypus-token"


mysql -h hostname -u username -p password databasename

If you have isues to connect via myslq, you may need to grant access. There is an example in ./db/db.sql

you may copy it via docker cp ./db/db.sql platypusDb:/tmp


a fancy hashtag based feedback tool for universities inspired by jodel and twitter


Language:PHP 82.1%Language:Shell 9.6%Language:HTML 5.3%Language:Nix 2.2%Language:ApacheConf 0.8%