ChavezCastillok / get-from-youtube

Get video and/or audio from youtube. WebUI for pytube using eel.

Repository from Github https://github.comChavezCastillok/get-from-youtubeRepository from Github https://github.comChavezCastillok/get-from-youtube

Archived Note

This development is part of one of my internships with python and my knowledge of frontend web development, so it is not necessary to keep it active.

January 2022

Get from YouTube

Get video and/or audio from YouTube. Web-UI for pytube using eel.

Running from source code

Download it, and open terminal in source code folder and runs the main program:

$ python

And, it will be ready to use.

How to use Web-UI

Screenshot of the current graphical interface of the Get from Youtube program.

  1. Paste the YouTube link on text input
  2. Click on Let's go button, appear the video title and author
  3. Select stream to see download options
  4. Select one between the available options
  5. Click on Download button
  6. Wait while your download finished
  7. And, ready! the video or audio will be avalible on the system Music folder (on Linux and Windows).


  • Fully functional code, tested on Fedora Linux. You should have no problems using it on Windows/Mac.

  • Executables for each system will be provided in future updates.

By: @chavezcastillok


Get video and/or audio from youtube. WebUI for pytube using eel.


Language:JavaScript 45.8%Language:HTML 29.0%Language:Python 25.2%