CharlesHoskinson / bamboo

Bamboo: an embryonic smart contract language

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Bamboo: an embryonic smart contract language


Smart contracts should reduce surprises. The code should reveal what can happen in which order, and the same ordering must be enforced mechanically. This is not done in the usual way of writing smart contracts where a smart contract is described as several interface functions.

In the following example, the names of functions suggest the timing of the calls, but this ordering can only be enforced by careful timestamp checking or global state tracking in the body of the functions.

contract CrowdFund {
	function toBeCalledDuringFunding() {
	function toBeCalledAfterFailure() {
	function toBeCalledAfterSuccess() {
	function notSureWhatThisDoes() {

To make my point clearer, I added the last function notSureWhatThisDoes(). Whenever such a function exists the temporal order is ambiguous. An interface function can be called at any moment by default. A closer look is necessary for every interface function before a reader or the machine can enumerate the possible orderings of events.


The solution is a programming language that runs from top to bottom.

contract CrowdFund {
	while(now < deadline) {
		call = sleep_till_called();
		// toBeCalledDuringFunding
	while(true) {
		if(success) {
			call = sleep_till_called();
			// toBeCalledAfterSuccess
		else {
			call = sleep_till_called();
			// toBeCalledAfterFailure

Here I used common syntax so that it's clear to people and the (not-yet implemented) machine what can happen in which order. Where has gone the notSureWhatThisDoes() function in the previous example? It's not there because, well, I am not sure where it goes. The new style forces temporal organization of the code lines.

Strategy Taken

The trick here is to enlarge the duration of program execution. In the first example, the program starts when it is called and finishes when it returns. In the second example, the program starts when it is created and finishes when it disappears (if ever).

The other way around, the new programming language must be aware of the "called until returns" delimitation. Above it's vaguely written as sleep_till_called(). Actually there are three different ways to exit a contract:

  • sleep_after_return(result_of_previous_call)
  • cancel_current_call()
  • sleep_after_calling(call_to_other_account).

The first sleep_after_return() is the most straightforward. It returns to the caller and waits to be called again. Next time the contract is called, the expression reveals the details of the new call. The second cancel_current_call() is also easy. The expression rewinds all the effects during the current call. When this expression is evaluated, the program goes back to where it was when the call came in.

The third sleep_after_calling() is interesting. When this expression is evaluated, the contract calls the specified account. After that, two possibilities exist. Either the called account returns or some account calls into our contract. In any case, the expression sleep_after_calling() returns, revealing whether the callee has returned or a reentrancy has happened.

sleep_after_calling(account, value, data) with reentrancy(_call) {
	// What should happen when reentered.  For instance


After some polishing I ended up to something like this. There is some influence from Erlang.

contract bid
	(address _bidder
	,uint _value
	,auction _auction) // the compiler is aware that an `auction` account can become an `auction_done` account.
	case (bool refund())
		if (sender(msg) != _bidder)
		if (_auction.bid_is_highest(_value) reentrance { abort; })
	case (bool pay_beneficiary())
		if (not _auction.bid_is_highest(_value) reentrance { abort; })
		address beneficiary = _auction.beneficiary() reentrance { abort; };

Compiler in development

Currently the compiler can parse the examples, assign types to expressions, but the code generation is still in development.

As preparattion,

  • install opam
  • and then use opam install menhir to install menhir.
  • opam install batteries cryptokits rope


cd src
sh run\

builds a compiler in development and tests it against the example files src/parse/examples/*.sol


What would be difficult to implement? Maybe not much: one word in the storage to keep track where we are in the program, and some dataflow analysis to decide which variable should live in the storage. The ABI should be the common one while the method names should be piped into the program in a nice syntax (something like the pattern match in Erlang).

I'm thinking about using OCaml, but type-level lists in Haskell might be convenient for keeping track of the stack elements during EVM code generation.

Not to have

This language is designed to facilliate a particular style. So the language will not support features like:

  • loop constructs (for, while, ...). Due to the constant block gas limit, loops chould be avoided and each iteration should be done in separate transactions.
  • assignments into storage variables, except array elements. Instead of assigning a new value to a storage variable, the new value can be given as an arument in the continaution (e.g. return () then auction(new_highest_bidder, ...)


Bamboo: an embryonic smart contract language

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:OCaml 98.9%Language:Shell 1.1%