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unocss use in miniprogram, 原生小程序 unocss demo

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miniprogram,unocss example

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set unocss preset

two methods to choose from

method one: use common configuration

this method uses the built-in presets in unocss and solves the following configuration

  1. solve the problem that the small program does not support the * selector
  2. rem unit to rpx
  1. use npm in miniprogram,install unocss
npm -D unocss
  1. unocss.config
import { defineConfig, presetUno } from "unocss";

const remRE = /^-?[\.\d]+rem$/

export default defineConfig({
    presets: [
      // 解决小程序不支持 * 选择器
      preflightRoot: ["page,::before,::after"]
    postprocess(util) {
      // 自定义rem 转 rpx
      util.entries.forEach((i) => {
        const value = i[1]
        if (value && typeof value === 'string' && remRE.test(value))
          i[1] = `${value.slice(0, -3) * 16 * 2}rpx`

method two: use unocss-preset-weapp

this method uses the unocss-preset-weapp preset, which solves the following configuration

because the miniprogram does not support escape class, like \ \: \[ \$ \., so need transform bg-#81ecec/50 to bg-hex-81ecec_50

  • use 'hex' instead of '#' , _ instead of : /

    • for example, bg-#81ecec/50 can be converted to bg-hex-81ecec_50
  • for 'hover: and active:, separators can be set to specify the separator

    • for example, setting separators to __, hover:bg-red-500 can be converted to hover__bg-red-500
  1. use npm in miniprogram,install unocss unocss-preset-weapp
npm -D unocss unocss-preset-weapp

  1. unocss.config
import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'

const include = [/\.wxml$/]

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [

generate unocss.wxss

  1. package.json,setting script

use @unocss/cli to listen to file content,documents

  "scripts": {
     "unocss": "unocss pages/**/*.wxml -c unocss.config.js --watch -o unocss.wxss",
     "unocss:build": "unocss pages/**/*.wxml -c unocss.config.js -o  unocss.wxss"

  1. run npm run unocss

wxml content changes, trigger the generation of new unocss.wxss

  1. import unocss.wxss

in app.wxss, impoort generated unocss.wxss

@import "./unocss.wxss";

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;
  align-items: center;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 200rpx 0;
  height: 100%;

use vscode unocss plugin

  • vscode settings.json
  // 文件类型
"files.associations": {
  "*.wxml": "html",


using transformer in mini programs will change the original file and is not recommended

  • unocss.config.js

add transformerClass,setting include wxml

import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetWeapp from 'unocss-preset-weapp'
import { transformerClass } from 'unocss-preset-weapp/transformer';

const include = [/\.wxml$/]

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [

Additional Notes

  • At this time, the box-shadow shorthand notations like , and [ aren't compatible with native mini-programs. This is due to certain restrictions on the platform that prevent the transformer from processing these notations. Therefore, a straightforward solution isn't available. We suggest using the pre-configured settings instead. If these don't suffice, feel free to write your own CSS. You can find more discussion on this topic in this thread.


unocss use in miniprogram, 原生小程序 unocss demo


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