Chao-Jiang / Visualizing-Brain-Surface-Data

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Visualizing Brain Surface Data

This package provides the functionality of visualizing data on a standard brain surface. This package leverages brain visualization functionality available in the connectome workbench made available as part of the Human Connectome Project [1].

This package provides two visualization options:

  1. Visualize selected regions of interest on the brain surface (see Fig 1)
  2. Visualize a desired metric for each region in a brain parcellation (see Fig 2)
  3. Visualize a desired metric for each voxel in a brain parcellation
  4. Visualize a brain surface from data contained in a dscalar file

Figure 1: Visualizing 100 regions from ICA parcellation.

Figure 2: Visualizing multipole membership values for all regions in ICA parcellation.


Operating systems: Linux, OS X


  • Workbench Command [2] that can be called using $wb_command
  • For option 2 and 3:
    • Julia v"1.0.x" with PyCall (v"1.91.4" tested)
    • Python 3.x with nibabel (v"3.1.1" tested), numpy (v"1.18.2" tested)

File Types

  • .scene: Used by the HCP Workbench program to generate scenes.
  • .surf.gii: Contains a blank 3D brain model for visualization.
  • CIFTY files: This file type usually contains a 2D matrix with the grayordinates as the row and another information as the column. [3]
    • .dtseries.nii: Contains a 2D matrix mapping the grayordinates to their timeseries.
    • .dlabel.nii: Contains a 2D matrix mapping the grayordinates to their respective labels. Another way to understand this is this file contains information about which region is the grayordinate in.
    • .dscalar.nii: Contains a 2D matrix mapping the grayordinates to any scalar values.


1. Option 1


  • Filter out the regions given in the input text file.
  • Generate a new “.dlabel” file where the filtered regions are colored and the rest remain blank.
  • Generate a visualization image of the selected regions.

How to run:

$chmod +x

$./ input_file dlabel_file scene_file [output_file] [img_width] [img_height]


  • input_file : the text file (.txt) that contains the index of each region to be highlighted (option 1) or the value of each region (option 2).

    Option 1: to highlight the regions of indices 2, 39, 45, the content of **input_file** shall consist of the following 3 lines:
    Option 2: for a parcellation with n regions, the *input_file* shall consist of n rows only, in which row i represents the value of region i.
  • dlabel_file : the dlabel file (.dlabel.nii) of the parcellation

  • scene_file : the scene file that specifies the background input files (.surf.gii for left and right hemispheres) and the view angle of the image

  • output_file (optional): the name (with path) of the output image. When this parameter is not provided, the output image will be saved as brain_image.png in ../

  • img_width (optional): the width of the output image in pixel. Default: 900

  • img_height (optional): the height of the output image in pixel. Default: 700


  • Image file has the name specified by output_file if given or brain_image.png, otherwise

2. Option 2


  • Used to map values to cortical surface regions (the outer part of the brain).
  • Create a new “.dscalar” file that contains a mapping of the grayordinates (according to their regions) to the values specified in the input text file.

How to run

$julia plotRegionValues.jl val_file dlabel_file dscalar_file 


  • val_file : text file (.txt) that has on each row the pair of region index and value separated by ','
  • dlabel_file : the standard dlabel file (.dlabel.nii) of the parcellation
  • dscalar_file : the standard dscalar file (.dscalar.nii) of the parcellation


  • Image file named brain_image.png in the current folder

3. Option 3


  • Used to map values to subcortical voxels (the center part of the brain, connected to the spinal cord).
  • Create a new “.dscalar” file that contains a mapping of the grayordinates (according to their voxels) to the values specified in the input text file.

How to run

$julia plotVoxelValues.jl val_file dlabel_file dscalar_file 


  • val_file : text file (.txt) that has on each row the pair of voxel index and value separated by ','
  • dlabel_file : the standard dlabel file (.dlabel.nii) of the parcellation
  • dscalar_file : the standard dscalar file (.dscalar.nii) of the parcellation


  • Image file named brain_image.png in the current folder

4. Option 4


  • Generate a visualization image from the provided “.scene” file and “.dscalar” file.

How to run

$./ input_file scene_file [output_file] [img_width] [img_height]


  • input_file : input dscalar file (.dscalar.nii)
  • scene_file : the scene file that specifies the background input files (.surf.gii for left and right hemispheres) and the view angle of the image
  • output_file (optional): the name (with path) of the output image. When this parameter is not provided, the output image will be saved as brain_image.png in ../
  • img_width (optional): the width of the output image in pixel. Default: 900
  • img_height (optional): the height of the output image in pixel. Default: 700


[1] Human Connectome Project.

[2] Workbench.

[3] The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project



Language:Shell 53.1%Language:Julia 46.9%