ChanningPing / TextGistGraph

first commit, uneven intervals for sentence offsets, and single entity line

Repository from Github https://github.comChanningPing/TextGistGraphRepository from Github https://github.comChanningPing/TextGistGraph

LitStoryTeller (TextGistGraph)

LitStoryTeller is an interactive system for visually exploring the semantic structure of a scientific article. The proposed system borrows a metaphor from screen play, and visualizes the storyline of a scientific paper by arranging its characters (scientific concepts or terminologies) and scenes (paragraphs/sentences) into a progressive and interactive storyline.

Exploration of a document collection

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Temporal entity evolution view

The temporal entity evolution view is designed to visualize how entities in an entire document collection evolve over time. alt text

Entity Community view

The entity community view is designed to visualize the communities within the co-occurrence network of entities across the collection. alt text

Exploration of a single document

Text-storyline cross-reference view

We design two views within the “text-storyline cross-reference” view, namely, the “Storyline view” and “Text view”. The collaboration between the two views will help users to navigate through the full text following accumulative clues in the storyline viewer. The storyline viewer of a research paper comprises of entities (characters) and sections/paragraphs/sentences (scenes). The storyline should be read from left to right, as its development in the research paper. The fisheye view enable users to expand and examine storyline details at any specific part of a document. alt text

Storyline details

Storyline view facilitate the tracking of co-occurrence of important entities along the narratives of the document. alt text


first commit, uneven intervals for sentence offsets, and single entity line


Language:JavaScript 62.7%Language:HTML 25.8%Language:Python 11.5%