ChangLabUcsf / img_pipe

Image processing pipeline for ECoG data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

color all rois

bendichter opened this issue · comments

Is there an easy way to get this figure with a legend using img_pipe?

Not explicitly, but this is definitely doable with a combination of patient.plot_brain() with ROIs from patient.get_rois() made into meshes with patient.make_roi_mesh(). You'd then get colors from the freesurfer lookup table (implemented as a dictionary: import SupplementalFiles.FS_colorLUT as FS_colorLUT).

The easiest way is just to look at the lh.pial or rh.pial in Freeview, then load lh.aparc.annot or rh.aparc.annot as an annotation on top. I'm going to close this issue and will make a comment later if this is implemented later.

Ran into issue #11: I needed write access to SUBJECT_DIR to do this