Chacix / nolife

rust 生命周期解决方案

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Open a scope and then freeze it in time for future access.

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This crate allows constructing structs that contain references and keeping them alive alongside the data they reference, without a lifetime.

This is especially useful for zero-copy parsers that construct elaborate (and possibly costly) representations that borrow the source data.

This crate achieves that by leveraging async functions. At their core, async functions are self-referential structs. this crate simply provides a way to ex-filtrate references outside of the async function, in a controlled manner.

Using this crate

After you identified the data and its borrowed representation that you'd like to access without a lifetime, using this crate will typically encompass a few steps:

// Given the following types:
struct MyData(Vec<u8>);
struct MyParsedData<'a>(&'a mut MyData, /* ... */);

// 1. Define a helper type that will express where the lifetimes of the borrowed representation live.
struct MyParsedDataFamily; // empty type, no lifetime.
impl<'a> nolife::Family<'a> for MyParsedDataFamily {
    type Family = MyParsedData<'a>; // Indicates how the type is tied to the trait's lifetime.
    // you generally want to replace all lifetimes in the struct with the one of the trait.

// 2. Define an async function that setups the data and its borrowed representation:
async fn my_scope(mut time_capsule: nolife::TimeCapsule<MyParsedDataFamily /* 👈 use the helper type we declared */>,
                  data_source: Vec<u8> /* 👈 all parameters that allow to build a `MyData` */)
-> nolife::Never /* 👈 will be returned from loop */ {
   let mut data = MyData(data_source);
   let mut parsed_data = MyParsedData(&mut data); // imagine that this step is costly...
   time_capsule.freeze_forever(&mut parsed_data).await // gives access to the parsed data to the outside.
                             /* 👆 reference to the borrowed data */

// 3. Open a `BoxScope` using the previously written async function:
let mut scope = nolife::DynBoxScope::pin(|time_capsule| my_scope(time_capsule, vec![0, 1, 2]));

// 4. Store the `BoxScope` anywhere you want
struct ContainsScope {
    scope: nolife::DynBoxScope<MyParsedDataFamily>
    /* other data */

// 5. Lastly, enter the scope to retrieve access to the referenced value.
scope.enter(|parsed_data| { /* do what you need with the parsed data */ });

Kinds of scopes

This crate only provide a single kind of scope at the moment

Scope Allocations Moveable after opening Thread-safe
[BoxScope] 1 (size of the contained Future + 1 pointer to the reference type) Yes No

An RcScope or MutexScope could be future extensions

Inner async support

At the moment, although the functions passed to [BoxScope::new] are asynchronous, they should not await futures other than the [FrozenFuture]. Attempting to do so will result in a panic if the future does not resolve immediately.

Future versions of this crate could provide async version of [BoxScope::enter] to handle the asynchronous use case.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


yoke serves a similar use case as this crate, albeit it is expressed in terms of a self-referential struct rather than as an async scope, which is less natural if the intent is to borrow some data.


rust 生命周期解决方案

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%