CenkMerk / Heatmap-MobileApp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ“ Heatmap-MobileApp

This project enables users to grant location permission, collect location data, and create a heatmap based on the collected data using their mobile devices. πŸ”₯πŸ—ΊοΈ Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database are utilized for user authentication and data storage.

πŸš€ Technologies Used

πŸƒ How to Run

  1. Open your terminal in the project directory.
  2. Install the required dependencies: npm install
  3. Use the command npx expo start to launch the application.

⭐ Features

  • Location Tracking: Users can grant location permission and collect real-time location data.
  • Heatmap Generation: Collected location data is used to generate interactive heatmaps.
  • Firebase Integration: Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database for seamless user management and data storage.

🀝 Contribution

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and open a pull request. I'm open to fixes, features, and improvements anytime.