CecileTK / tutorial-rr-identical-sequences

Tutorial on how to compute the relative risk of observing identical sequences for large sequence datasets

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Tutorial - Computing the relative risk of observing identical pathogen sequences


This repository contains a tutorial describing the different steps to compute the relative risk of observing identical sequences between two groups. Compared with the repository associated with the preprint where we introduce the method, this is modified to be able to accomodate very large sequencing datasets. To do so, the strategy has been to use pairsnp to compute the pairwise distance matrix and using tsv-utils to directly analyse tsv files without requiring to open them within R (where file loading can become unnecessarily long for larger files).

Setup & installation

We use conda to define an environment containing all the required depencencies. We can then use conda to install the required dependencies. The environment can be created and activated using the following commands:

# Install
conda env create -f envs/idseq.yaml
# Activate
source activate idseq

If needed, the environment can be deactivated / deleted using the following command:

# Deactivate 
conda deactivate
# Remove
conda env remove --name idseq

Performing analyses

1. Computing pairwise distance matrices within a fasta file

pairsnp can be used to compute a pairwise distance matrix from aligned sequences

# Creating header in the output file
echo "strain_1\tstrain_2\tn_mutations" > "results/df_genetic_distance.tsv"
# Generating pairwise distance matrix
pairsnp -s "data/synthetic-fasta.fasta" >> "results/df_genetic_distance.tsv"

2. Downsampling the distance matrix only to pairs of identical sequences

tsv-filter can be used to only keep pairs of sequences that are identical.

tsv-filter -H --eq n_mutations:0 "results/df_genetic_distance.tsv" > "results/df_pairs_id_seq.tsv"

Another option would have been to directly add the flag -t 0 in the pairsnp command to only save pairs of sequences that are identical.

3. Matching metadata to pairs of identical sequences

append_metadata_field.R uses tsv-join to add metadata fields to a dataframe with pairs of identical sequences. The metadata file needs to contain a column called strain. Metadata fields to be appended to the dataframe with the list of pairs of identical sequences can be indicated by the --metadata_field flag. A metadata column named field will be indicated in the dataframe of pairs of identical sequences using the columns field_1 and field_2 to indicate the corresponding values for strain_1 and strain_2.

At the moment, this script would not work if some metadata field names are nested within each other (e.g. group and subgroup, region and big_region ...)

The --input_metadata flag should refer to a file where strain names indicated by the strain column name. A typical valid metadata file should have the following structure:

strain field_a field_b field_c ...
strain_A field_Aa field_Ab field_Ac ...
strain_B field_Ba field_Bb field_Bc ...
strain_C field_Ca field_Cb field_Cc ...
strain_D field_Da field_Db field_Dc ...
scripts/append_metadata_field.R \
    --input_metadata data/synthetic-metadata.tsv \
    --input_df_id_seq results/df_pairs_id_seq.tsv \
    --output results/df_pairs_id_seq_with_metadata.tsv \
    --metadata_field group region       

4. Generating a dataframe with counts of pairs of identical sequences by group

count_pairs.R uses tsv-summarize to summarise the output of append_metadata_field.R by counting pairs of identical sequences betwen subgroups. For this to work well, the metadata column --metadata_field shoudl have been added in the append_metadata_field.R step above.

scripts/count_pairs.R \
    --input_df_id_seq results/df_pairs_id_seq_with_metadata.tsv \
    --metadata_field region \
    --output_df_pairs_count results/df_n_pairs_by_region.tsv

5. Computing the relative risk of observing identical sequences between groups from a dataframe containing the number of pairs of identical sequences between groups

RR_from_df_n_pairs.R then enables to compute the relative risk of observing pairs of identical sequences between groups (indicated by the --metadata_field flag) by inputting a dataframe obtained from count_pairs.R.

scripts/RR_from_df_n_pairs.R \
    --input_df_pairs_count results/df_n_pairs_by_region.tsv \
    --metadata_field region \
    --output_df_RR results/df_RR_by_region.tsv

6. Compute uncertainty around RR using a resampling approach

uncertainty_RR.R enables to compute confidence intervals around relative risk estimates using a subsampling approach with --n_subsamples sampling iteration and a --prop_subsample sampling probability. This requires the following other arguments:

  • --input_df_id_seq: a tsv file with pairs of identical sequences with columns strain_1 and strain_2. Pairs should only be present once in this dataset (typical output from pairsnp presented in step 2).
  • --input_metadata: a tsv file with columns strain and the metadata_field indicated by --metadata_field.
  • --temp_dir: a temp folder where some of the files produced during intermediate steps will be stores.
  • --output_RR_uncertainty: a tsv file where the output of the subsampling can be stored.

The output has the following format:

metadata_field_1 metadata_field_2 n_pairs RR replicate_id
group_A group_A 100 1.1 1
group_A group_A 192 1.5 2
group_A group_A 150 1.4 3
group_A group_B 65 0.5 1
group_A group_B 72 0.8 2
group_A group_C 92 0.9 3
scripts/uncertainty_RR.R \
    --input_df_id_seq results/df_pairs_id_seq.tsv \
    --input_metadata data/synthetic-metadata.tsv \
    --n_subsamples 1000 \
    --prop_subsample 0.8 \
    --temp_dir temp \
    --metadata_field region \
    --output_RR_uncertainty results/RR_uncertainty_region.tsv

Median values along 95% confidence intervals can then be obtained by computing the median and 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles across replicate_id using a standard data analysis software (R, Python...) or the following tsv-summarize command:

tsv-summarize -H \
    --group-by region_1,region_2 \
    --quantile RR:0.025,0.5,0.975 \


Tutorial on how to compute the relative risk of observing identical sequences for large sequence datasets


Language:R 100.0%