CavalcanteLucas / watermelon

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app is a simple form that asks the user a few questions and then shows the results.

Access it at:

Running the app

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Make sure Docker and docker-compose are installed on your machine.
  3. Open a terminal window and navigate to the project directory.
  4. Run the following command 1:
docker-compser -f docker-compose.yml up --build
  1. Once the containers are up and running, open your web browser and go to:

Implementation Specs

The following specs have been implemented:

  • The Seller Onboarding Form is the first thing a user sees on landing on the site.
  • The Seller Onboarding Form has 6 questions.
    • Each question is displayed alone, sequentially.
  • The completed forms are displayd in a page for the results.
    • No authentication is required to see the results.
  • It is written in Python and Django.
  • If the user hits back or forward with the form's buttons, she stays within the same Entry.
  • The application is deployed in Vercel.
    • The application has also been shipped with Docker and docker-compose.

This spec has not been implemented within the given time limit:

  • If the user hits refresh on the browser, a new Entry is created in the page of results.

Bonus Specs

The following bonus specs have been implemented:

  • Graphical improvements:

    • Centralization of the important content;
    • Colors and fonts;
    • Responsiveness.
  • User experience (UX) improvements:

    • The user can see how many steps are left;
    • There is a link to the results page from the form page;
    • There is a link to the form page from the results page;
    • The button does not shift places from one question to the other.

These bonus specs have not been implemented within the given time limit:

  • Question validation;
  • Optional questions.


Watermelon is developed by Lucas C Cavalcante. If you have any questions or feedback about the app, please feel free to contact me at


  1. Make sure the port 5432 is not in use! If it is, consider stoping your local postgresql server. In case you're in linux, you can do it by running: sudo service postgresql stop.



Language:Python 70.2%Language:HTML 20.9%Language:CSS 5.2%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%Language:Shell 1.6%