VĂtor Oliveira de Almeida's repositories
I use Notion to organize my movies, anime, and manga that I want to watch later and write review about them. I usually look for some information about the media such as synopsis, authors and directors and some illustrative image, but this is boring, so I remembered that I'm a programmer.
This is my project created from Alura's first backend challenge. The challenge is to create an API over four weeks where, each week, we receive tasks and business rules that must be fulfilled for the actual work environment simulation.
Site de promoção. land page
Aluroni is a project created with the intention of improving the management of static files and practicing page routing with react router dom in React, in adding to using libs as classnames that help iin the dynamic rendering pf styles, facilitating the application of dark mode. Following the Luiz Fernando instructions in two Alura coursers.
This project was created following the orientation of dear Erick Wendel, in his classes of "Semana Javascript Expert" edition 7.0 which is a week to learn hard skills of Javascript/Node creating a nice project like this.
This is a page I created for the selective process at Codeleap.
This is a website that I created to company Malisi Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho e Meio Ambiente as a freelancer. I did everything from scratch, from choosing technologies to brig great efficency, performance and scalability to the project, until modern design of pages/components with the Figma, always respecting business rules.
A Java-based banking system simulation that demonstrates object-oriented programming principles and clean architecture.
This is a NPM library create to help you make sure the links in the markdown text are working
If you want to organize your life, I think this app is for you.
Repository for the Responsive Web Design Projects of the FreeCodeCamp
This is my project created from Alura's seven frontend challenge. The challenge is to create a page over four weeks where, each week, we receive tasks and business rules that must be fulfilled for the actual work environment simulation.
uma página de cadastro de negociações de bolsa de valores, onde as mesmas não podem ser mutáveis após de feitas. Cadastraremos novas negociações, inclusive, elas serão importadas de serviços especializados, tudo aplicando o paradigma funcional e orientado a objetos.
This is the secret friend project that I did as part of a guided Alura course with the oriented Vinicios Neves, applying knowledge of TDD (Test-Driven Development), which means test-driven development that basically focuses on clearly explaining the business rule of the project/feature you want to create using tests for different types of testing.
JavaScript Todo list using local Storage.