CatsJuice / ipad-cursor

● Mouse effect of iPad in browser that can be used in any framework

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comCatsJuice/ipad-cursorRepository from Github https://github.comCatsJuice/ipad-cursor


Mouse effect hacking of iPad in browser that can be used in any frameworks


  • NPM

    npm install ipad-cursor --save
  • CDN

    Only support ESM module

    <div data-cursor="block">Block</div>
    <div data-cursor="text">text</div>
    <script type="module">
      import cursor from ""

    See for more details.


Basic usage

Apply data-cursor attribute to the element you want to add the effect.

  • data-cursor="text": text cursor
  • data-cursor="block": block cursor
<div data-cursor="text">Text Cursor</div>
<div data-cursor="block">Block Cursor</div>

After your dom loaded, call initCursor to start the effect. You may need to call updateCursor() when dom updated.

import { initCursor } from 'ipad-cursor'


⚠️ Notice: As so far, you need to manage when to updateCursor yourself. Make sure to call updateCursor after dom updated. In the future, there maybe a better way to handle this, see Roadmap for more details.

Custom Style

You can customize the style of the cursor by Config, config can be passed to initCursor method, or use updateConfig method to update config. Every type can be configured separately.

import { initCursor, updateConfig } from 'ipad-cursor'
import type { IpadCursorConfig, IpadCursorStyle } from 'ipad-cursor'

const normalStyle: IpadCursorStyle = { background: 'red' }
const textStyle: IpadCursorStyle = { background: 'blue' }
const blockStyle: IpadCursorStyle = { background: 'green' }
const config: IpadCursorConfig = {

Sometimes, you may want to customize the style of the cursor for a specific element, you can use data-cursor-style attribute to do this.

The value of data-cursor-style attribute is a string, split by ;, and each part is a style, split by :. For example, background:red;color:blue.

It is recommended to use customCursorStyle method to create style string.

For example, customize the style for a circle element (Like avatar).

  data-cursor-style="radius: 50%" 
  style="width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%"

<script type="module">
  import cursor from ""

See Style for full style list.

Use in framework

  • Vue.js

    • hooks

      You can use useCursor hook to call updateCursor() automatically on mounted and unmounted.

      <script setup>
      import { useCursor } from "ipad-cursor/vue"
    • directive (v0.5.2+)

      Register plugin globally

      // src/main.ts
      import { ipadCursorPlugin } from "ipad-cursor/vue"
      app.use(ipadCursorPlugin, {
        // global configurations
        blockStyle: { radius: "auto" }

      Use in component

      <div v-cursor-block />
      <div v-cursor-text />
      <div v-cursor-block="{ background: 'red' }" />
  • React See App.tsx

  • Hexo See @zqqcee's Blog


When initCursor called, it will remove default cursor, and generate a fake cursor use div element. Then listen mousemove event, and move the fake cursor to the mouse position.

After init finished, it will call updateCursor method, scan element with data-cursor attribute, detect the cursor type, and add event listener to the element.

When mouse enter the element, apply styles.



see Config for more details.

Init cursor, remove default cursor, and generate a fake cursor use div element. Then listen mousemove event, and move the fake cursor to the mouse position.


Scan element to observe hover event, and apply styles, as well as remove unused element's event listener.


Remove fake cursor, and remove all event listener, recover default cursor.


Update config, see Config for more details.


Create style string that can be used as data-cursor-style attribute. This method is used for better type hinting.


Reset cursor to default style.


It is recommended to see index.d.ts in the npm package.

Name Type Default Description required
adsorptionStrength number 0.2 The strength of adsorption effect, number between 0 and 30 No
className string 'ipad-cursor' The class name of fake cursor No
blockPadding number auto The padding of cursor when hover on block, set to auto will calculate automatic No
enableAutoTextCursor(v0.2.0+) boolean false Auto detect text cursor, see #12 No
enableLighting(v0.3.0+) boolean false Add a lighting effect to block #14 No
enableMouseDownEffect(v0.4.3+, Experimental) boolean false Add a effect when mouse down, customize style by config mouseDownStyle No
enableAutoUpdateCursor(v0.5.0+) boolean false Auto update cursor when dom updated No
normalStyle IpadCursorStyle see Style The style of normal cursor, see Style No
textStyle IpadCursorStyle see Style The style of text cursor, see Style No
blockStyle IpadCursorStyle see Style The style of block cursor, see Style No
mouseDownStyle(v0.4.3+, Experimental) IpadCursorStyle see Style The style of cursor when mouse is pressed, see Style No


Name Type Description example
width MaybeSize The width of cursor '10px', 10, '10'
height MaybeSize The height of cursor '10px', 10, '10'
radius MaybeSize | 'auto' The border radius of cursor, if set to auto for blockStyle, it will be calculated by dom's css border-radius and config.blockPadding. '10px', 10, '10', 'auto'
background string The background color of cursor '#fff', 'red', 'rgba(0,0,0)'
border string The css border property of cursor '1px solid black'
zIndex number The z-index of cursor 1
scale number The scale of cursor 1.05
backdropBlur MaybeSize The backdrop-filter blur of cursor '10px', 10, '10'
backdropSaturate string The backdrop-filter saturate of cursor 180%
durationBase MaybeDuration Transition duration of basic properties like width, height, radius, border, background-color, if unit if not specified, ms will be used '1000', 1000, 200ms, 0.23s
durationPosition MaybeDuration Transition duration of position properties like top, left, if unit if not specified, ms will be used '1000', 1000, 200ms, 0.23s
durationBackdropFilter MaybeDuration Transition duration of backdrop-filter property, if unit if not specified, ms will be used '1000', 1000, 200ms, 0.23s

Default Style

See getDefaultConfig method in index.ts for more details.


  • Add Chinese document
  • API Docs
  • More examples
  • Auto detect dom update, and call updateCursor automatically



● Mouse effect of iPad in browser that can be used in any framework

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 68.1%Language:Vue 17.6%Language:JavaScript 12.8%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:HTML 0.7%