Cathella / tic_tac_toe

Tictactoe is a classic old game for two players who take turns marking spaces in a 3X3 grid. The winner is the first player who succeeds in playing their symbol in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row.

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TicTacToe Implementation in Ruby

About the Project

This project is a commandline implementation of the famous TicTacToe game, in Ruby.

The project's requirements can be found here: OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

Project Structure

  • It has two folders bin and lib
  • The bin folder contains the main.rb which is the heart of the project, i.e., where the game runs from.
  • The lib folder has 3 files: - the board.rb that contains the Board class where methods related to the board are all defined, the player.rb which initialises a new player object with player name and a piece, and the game_logic.rb where all the logic behind the game is defined including validating the player's input, moving board pieces into selected cells, switching player after the other has played, checking if the game is over and so much more.

Getting started

  • To play the game, open your Linux terminal and navigate to bin folder in the game directory.
  • Type ./main.rb and hit "Enter" to run the game.

Game Instructions

  • The Tic Tac Toe game requires 2 players.
  • It provides a board with a 3x3 grid having 9 cells.
  • When the game is started, it will display a fresh board marked with numbers 1 - 9.
  • It prompts the first player for a name with supported format.
  • Type your name with the given format and hit "Enter"
  • It also prompts the first player for a symbol with supported format.
  • Type your symbol with the given format and hit "Enter"
  • Same goes for the second player. We customize your piece for any letter a player may prefer.
  • Play the game according the the prompts.
  • The winner is the first player who succeeds in playing their piece in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row all aligned.
  • The game ends in a tie (draw) if the board is filled and no winning combination is found.
  • You can replay the game by running ./main.rb in the bin folder again.

Automated Test Case

  • Test automation provided for this project is based on RSpec tool. The test cases are found in the 'tic_tac_toe_spec.rb' file which resides in 'spec' folder, a sub folder in the project directory.
  • To run the test cases, open your terminal and navigate to the aboved mentioned directory.
  • ToRun the 'tic_tac_toe_spec.rb' file by typing the following:
  • rspec tic_tac_toe_spec.rb
  • Hit 'Enter' key on the keyboard
  • When the available test cases are evaluated, corresponding messages are retured.

Project Screenshots here:


Built With

Technologies used during development of this project

  • Ruby Language


👤 Nakitto Catherine

👤 Sunday Uche Ezeilo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page

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Tictactoe is a classic old game for two players who take turns marking spaces in a 3X3 grid. The winner is the first player who succeeds in playing their symbol in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row.


Language:Ruby 100.0%