CasualYT31 / ComputerWars

Advance Wars engine for the Windows and Linux platforms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Computer Wars

Advance Wars engine for the Windows and Linux platforms. Planned features:

  • Customisable Advance Wars engine: countries, graphics, units, terrains, COs, etc. will all be customisable, as well as a lot more.
  • The ability to not only modify the game using AngelScript but also the ability to modify the engine itself if you so wish.
  • Map maker.
  • Internet play.
  • Campaign engine.
  • Cross-platform: Windows and Linux. I may also support macOS if the stars align.
  • Controllable via mouse, keyboard, or gamepad/joystick.
  • Ability to easily add in Artificial Intelligence (implementing the AI is not a main goal, but it will be invaluable for the campaign side of the engine).
  • In-depth documentation, tutorials, and examples once the project is ready for release.

Starting From "Scratch"

Since the release of version 0.0.5, I have been reworking the game engine from the ground up. I'm hoping to copy over a lot of existing code, so hopefully, it will not take extremely long to get to where I left off (0.0.5).

Until version 0.0.6 comes out, I can't guarantee a functioning game. Check out the 0.0.5 tag instead if you want to play around with the latest version.

Tracking Progress

I've moved over to Jira and Confluence from Trello. Unfortunately, Jira is not publicly accessible in the free version, so I will have to grit my teeth and make use of the GitHub Projects feature to provide a high-level overview of my progress publicly. The epics and stories in my Jira will also be given cards on this repository's project page.


Todo (I likely won't be changing these much, if at all, so check 0.0.5).



I like the idea of Gitmoji, but I find that there are a lot of emoji for the same thing, and some that are missing. So I decided to use my own emoji:


Emoji Name Meaning
✨ sparkles Add new feature/s.
πŸ”¨ hammer Update/improve behaviour of existing feature/s.
πŸ› bug Fix a bug.
🎨 art Improve the structure/format of the code.
🚧 construction Commit code that is a WIP.
♻️ recycle Refactor code.
πŸ’₯ boom Introduce breaking changes.
πŸ”₯ fire Remove code, tests, or files.
⚠️ warning Fix code causing compiler warnings.
β›” no_entry Fix code causing compiler errors.


Emoji Name Meaning
βœ… white_check_mark Add passing test.
❌ x Add failing test.
πŸ§ͺ test_tube Write tests that have not yet been run.


Emoji Name Meaning
πŸ“ memo Add or update documentation.
πŸ’‘ bulb Add or update source code comments.
πŸ“„ page_facing_up Add or update markdown files (readmes, licence, etc.).


Emoji Name Meaning
πŸ”§ wrench Add or update CMake, Doxygen, and other development scripts.
πŸ–ΌοΈ framed_picture Add or update art assets.
🎡 musical_note Add or update audio assets.
πŸ“œ scroll Add or update JSON assets, or AngelScript assets that override JSON assets during execution.
βš™οΈ gear Add or update binary assets.


Emoji Name Meaning
⬆️ arrow_up Upgrade dependency.
⬇️ arrow_down Downgrade dependency.
βž• heavy_plus_sign Add dependency.
βž– heavy_minus_sign Remove dependency.


Emoji Name Meaning
πŸ”€ twisted_rightwards_arrows Merge branches.
πŸ”– bookmark Release new version.


Advance Wars engine for the Windows and Linux platforms

License:MIT License