CarryHJR / Xfyun-Ad-Classification

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Codes for iFLYTEK AI开发者大赛 广告图片素材分类算法挑战赛

Table of Contents


  • install by conda or pip
python=3.8.0 # installed by conda
torch=1.7.1  # installed by conda
pytorch_lightning=1.4.5 # installed by pip
timm=0.4.9              # installed by pip 
transformers=4.9.2      # installed by pip
albumentations=1.0.0    # installed by pip

External Utils


  1. Datasets from official competition site

  2. for unordered texts from images (run twice for training data and test data)

  3. Solver{Image|Text}.py for image/text classification training

  4. Extractor{Image|Text}.py for image/text softmax probabilities extraction

  5. for multi-modality ensemble

  6. Solver_{Image|Text} for pseudo-label training of image/text model

  7. for final prediction


TLDR: Since the intermediate models are too large, I only provided final pseudo-label trained models, saved in ./weights. So full training logs are not available. For inference only, just python, and the result will be saved as ./submission.csv.

0. NOTE:

0.1 Reproducibility

Although I have fixed random seeds as many as possible in main training codes, I did not test the reproducibility of external open source codes in OCR and autoalbu. This pipeline was expected/estimated to get score 0.907~0.909 (rank3) on semi-final leaderboard.

0.2 Test data

All codes were writen with semi-final test dataset, named test_B or testB by myself.

0.3 GPU Deivces

  • For training, these codes were run under 2x TITAN RTX or 2x RTX 3090. At least 2x 24G = 48G GPU memory is required for best reproduction.

  • For inferencing only, 6-8G GPU is enough.

0.4 Training time

  • Using 2x TITAN RTX, the training time per image model was 46h, and the training time per text model was 12h.

0.5 Training hyper-parameters

  • autoalbu policy (need training): ./autoalbu/configs/latest.json

  • OCR config: ./chineseocr_lite/

  • Deep learning training: ./hparams/*.yaml

    • yamls with pseudo_ are for pseudo-label training

1. Data preprocessing

1.1 Directory structure

  • Download data to ./data, arranged as:
   |   |--0
   |   |  |--xxx.jpg
   |   |  |--xxx.jpg 
   |   |
   |   |--1
   |   |--...

1.2 OCR on image data

  • OCR codes were modified from open source github repo (master branch): chineseocr_lite (Thanks to authors)

  • OCR base codes are located at ./chineseocr_lite. Compared with original repo, I only changed configs in ./chineseocr_lite/, and removed useless codes and models. The changes are not included in this repo's history.

  • (RUN)


This is to extract text information from train and test_B datasets. The results will be saved in ./data/train.tsv and ./data/testB.tsv.

NOTE: I am not an expert in OCR, so I did not pay much attention in OCR model selection, but chose the easiest one from github.

1.3 Auto-albumentations

  • For detailed usage and installation, please refer to autoalbument

    • There might be some conflicts between autoalbu's requirement of pytorch-lightning and the pytorch-lightning version of this repo. Please create an independent environment for autoalbu according to its own installation instruction.
  • The auto-albu codes are located at ./autoalbu

  • Set the necessary and search.yaml in ./autoalbu/configs

  • (RUN)

cd ./autoalbu

autoalbument-search --config-dir configs
  • Because the loss did not decrease in autoalbu training after 15 epochs, to save time, I manually stopped autoalbu training at 17 epoch. The results will be saved in ./autoalbu/configs/outputs/{your_run_date}/{your_run_time}/policy/

  • For better git repo performance, I set .gitignore to ignore other outputs and moved the ./autoalbu/configs/outputs/{your_run_date}/{your_run_time}/policy/lasted.json to ./autoalbu/configs/latest.json.

NOTE: When using learnt autoalbu policy, the path should be configured manually in training codes.

2. Model training

2.1 Main Idea

  • Train image models and text models respectively

  • Ensemble image models and text models, and test ensemble results on leaderboard

  • Following the most basic knowledge distillation and semi-supervised learning strategy:

    • use the pseudo-label of ensemble prediction and training ground truth to train a smaller image model and a smaller text model.

    • knowledge distillation: use larger model ensemble to train smaller model

    • semi-supervised learning: use pseudo-label of unlabeled data to train model

  • Ensemble the distilled image model and text model as final output

pipeline Pipeline

2.2 Image model training

  • Models (from timm):

    • tf_efficientnet_b4_ns

    • tf_efficientnetv2_m_in21ft1k

    • eca_nfnet_l1

    • resnet200d

    • swin_base_patch4_window12_384

  • Hyperparameters

    args = dict(
        seed = 0,
        learning_rate = 1e-3,
        model_name = #?#,
        num_epochs = 30,
        batch_size = 64,
        fold = -1,         # use all training data
        num_classes = 137, # number of classes
        smoothing = 0.1,   # label smoothing
        classes = None,    # useless
        alpha = 0.4,       # mixup alpha
        swa = True,         # use stochastic weight average?
        image_size = #?#,  # training image size
        drop_rate = 0.3,   # dropout rate
        name = "image/#?#",    # logs saving directory
        version = "sorted_all" # logs saving directory
    • args['model_name'] are five image model names mentioned above.

    • args['image_size'] are 512 for tf_efficientnet_b4_ns and tf_efficientnetv2_m_in21ft1k, and 384 for other three models.

    • args['name'] should be different for five models. Here are my names:

      • tf_efficientnet_b4_ns: "image/b4ns"

      • tf_efficientnetv2_m_in21ft1k: "image/ev2m"

      • eca_nfnet_l1: "image/nfl1"

      • resnet200d: "image/200d"

      • swin_base_patch4_window12_384: "image/swb"


    • Set hyperparameters inside

    • Run command below for each model

  • All logs will be saved at ./logs/image/{args['name']}

2.3 Text model training

  • Models (from Chinese-BERT-wwm):

    • hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext

    • hfl/chinese-bert-wwm-ext

    • hfl/chinese-bert-wwm

  • Hyperparameters

    args = dict(
        learning_rate = 2e-5,
        model_name = #?#,
        num_epochs = 30,
        batch_size = 64,
        fold = -1,
        num_classes = 137,
        smoothing = 0.1,
        alpha = 0,
        max_length = 256,
        drop_rate = 0.3,
        swa = #?#,
        name = "text/#?#",
        version = "sorted_all"
    • args['model_name'] are three text model names mentioned above.

    • args['swa'] are set to False in hfl/chinese-bert-wwm (due to some bugs of my machine), and True in others.

    • args['name'] should be different for three models. Here are my names:

      • hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext: "rbt"

      • hfl/chinese-bert-wwm-ext: "bt"

      • hfl/chinese-bert-wwm: "btwwm"


    • Set hyperparameters inside

    • Run command below for each model

  • All logs will be saved at ./logs/text/{args['name']}

3. Multi-modality model ensemble

3.1 Extract softmax probability from models

  • Set model checkpoint paths inside

  • Set model checkpoint paths inside

  • (RUN)

mkdir -p ./data/features
  • The extracted features will be saved at ./data/features

3.2 Ensemble features

  • Set saved features paths inside

  • The ensemble procedure only used the simplest weighted average, because other complex methods will decrease the accuracy performance.

  • (RUN)

mkdir -p ./data/pseudo
  • The ensembled pseudo-label will be saved at ./data/pseudo

4. Knowledge distillation + Semi-supervised learning

  • Set the peuso-label numpy array path inside

  • To balance the inaccurate prediction of pseudo-label, we used less augmentation, mixup, dropout and label smoothing.

  • Model selection:

    • For image model, I chose a liter one: tf_efficientnet_b0_ns

    • For text model, since liter version hfl/rbt3 did not perform well, I still used hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext

  • (RUN)

  • The logs will be saved at ./logs/pseudo

5. Final prediction

  • Set pseudo-label trained model paths (image model & text model) inside

  • (RUN)

  • The prediction result will be saved at ./submission.csv, formatted following the submission requirement.



Language:C++ 81.8%Language:Python 17.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:C 0.0%