CarpathianUA / terraform-aws-iam-rotate-credentials

terraform module for rotate AWS users credentials

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS IAM rotate credential

This terraform module aims to create a lambda function that refreshes the IAM credentials (login profile / access keys) as they become obsolete

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I - Infrastructure components

This module create:

  • 2 Lambda functions : iam-rotate-credentials-update-iam-credentials-for-user, iam-rotate-credentials-find-users-to-refresh

  • 2 IAM roles for the lambda function :iam-rotate-credentials-update-iam-credentials-for-user-role, iam-rotate-credentials-find-users-to-refresh-role

  • 2 IAM policies for the iam role :iam-rotate-credentials-update-iam-credentials-for-user-policy, iam-rotate-credentials-find-users-to-refresh-policy

  • 2 Cloudwatch log groups for the logs : /aws/lambda/iam-rotate-credentials

  • 1 SNS topics for result of lambda function execution : iam-rotate-credentials-result

  • 2 SQS queues: iam-rotate-credentials-update-iam-credentials-request, iam-rotate-credentials-update-iam-credentials-request-dead-letter

I.1 - Add tag on user

To identify an AWS user as a user with ID rotation, it is necessary to add a tag to this user. This tag must be IamRotateCredentials:Email. It must contain the email that will receive the new credentials.

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It is possible to configure per user the maximum duration for console access or for command line access

Name Description Required
IamRotateCredentials:Email Email of the user who will receive the new credentials yes
IamRotateCredentials:LoginProfileTimeLimit Maximum duration for an access with login profile (expressed in days). no
IamRotateCredentials:CliTimeLimit Maximum duration for an access with AWS CLI (expressed in days). no

I.2 - Register Email/Domain on AWS SES

Once the tags is affixed to the user, the email or email domain must be registered in the AWS SES sevice. Otherwise no mails will be sent from AWS.

I.2.1 - Register Email

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I.2.2 - Register Domain

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I.3 - Force refresh credentials for one user

For force a credential refresh for one user, you can push message in SQS queue. The message must be like this

  "user_name": "<iam user_name>",
  "force": "true"

II - Inputs / Outputs


Name Description Type Default
aws_account_name Name of Aws Account ( use in email sender to user where credentials are obsoletes ) string ""
aws_cli_time_limit Maximum duration for an access with AWS CLI (expressed in days). number 60
aws_login_profile_password_reset_required Requires that the console password be changed by the user at the next login. bool true
aws_login_profile_time_limit Maximum duration for an access with login profile (expressed in days). number 60
aws_region aws region to deploy (only aws region with AWS SES service deployed) string n/a
aws_ses_email_from email used to send emails to users when their credentials change. string n/a
cloudwatch_log_retention The cloudwatch log retention ( default 7 days ). number 7
credentials_sended_by The sender of renewal credentials emails string ""
function_timeout The amount of time your Lambda Functions has to run in seconds. number 300
kms_ciphertext Data to be encrypted string ""
scan_alarm_clock The time between two scan to search for expired certificates ( in minutes default 1440 = 1 days) number 1440
tags The tags of all resources created map {}


Name Description
kms_ciphertext The Secret used to encrypt the data
lambda_find_users_to_refresh_arn The Lambda ARN of Find users to update IAM credentials lambda
lambda_update_iam_credentials_for_user_arn The Lambda ARN of Update IAM credentials lambda
sns_iam_rotate_credentials_result_arn The SNS result ARN of topic for result IAM rotate Credential lambdas execution
sqs_update_iam_credentials_for_user_arn The ARN of SQS request IAM users credentials
sqs_update_iam_credentials_for_user_dead_letter_arn The ARN of SQS request IAM users credentials ( dead letter )
sqs_update_iam_credentials_for_user_dead_letter_id The URL of SQS request IAM users credentials ( dead letter )
sqs_update_iam_credentials_for_user_id The URL of SQS request IAM users credentials

III - Usage

module "iam_rotate_credentials"
  source = "git::"
  aws_region                                = "eu-west-1"
  cloudwatch_log_retention                  = 10
  aws_cli_time_limit                        = 20
  aws_login_profile_time_limit              = 20
  aws_login_profile_password_reset_required = true
  aws_ses_email_from                        = ""
  credentials_sended_by                     = "ops team"
  tags = {
    Owner = "Acme"
    Department = "ops"


terraform module for rotate AWS users credentials

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 51.1%Language:HCL 41.0%Language:Io 6.7%Language:Shell 1.2%