Linux x32/64 and ARM (raspberry) builds for the hass-configurator
Example docker-compose.yaml
image: "causticlab/hass-configurator-docker:arm"
restart: always
- "3218:3218/tcp"
- hass-network
- "./data/configurator-config:/config"
- "./data/config:/hass-config"
Please remember to change the tag to your architecture
Be sure to map the config folder of your homeassistant instance to the configurator container and set the basepath
in your configuration.
The configuration needs to be mapped to /config
and needs to be named settings.conf
As with Verion 0.3.3 it is also possible to use environment vars to set configurations but you will still need your hass-config folder mapped into the container.
In order to use the git integration with hass-configurator you have to use one of the following options.
- Mount the ssh files
- "/path/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ro"
- "/path/.ssh/"
- "/path/.ssh/known_hosts:/root/.ssh/known_hosts:rw"
- Use the https version with an github token
https://<github username>:<some token><github username>/<some repo>.git
As with version 0.3.3 the pattern of the docker image was changed to use semver, for backwards compatibility version 0.3.3 will have both versions up in the docker hub As with version 0.3.3 2018-12-23 there is also an ARCH only tag on docker hub marking an image as "latest" for the specific ARCH
- Original Repository by danielperna84
- Docker Images are on docker hub
- The corresponding github repository