Carnagion / lamb

Pure untyped lambda calculus in safe Rust.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comCarnagion/lambRepository from Github https://github.comCarnagion/lamb


lamb is an implementation of the pure untyped lambda calculus in modern, safe Rust.


  • Library

    Add lamb as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

    lamb = "0.1.0"

    The Cargo features repl and prelude can also be enabled to interface with the REPL and prelude:

    lamb = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["repl", "prelude"] }
  • Binary

    Install lamb through Cargo:

    cargo install lamb


  • Library


    • Construct terms programmatically
    • β-reduce terms using different reduction strategies
    • Implement custom β-reduction strategies

    With prelude enabled:

    • Use pre-defined terms from the prelude

    With repl enabled:

    • Parse terms from strings
    • Construct REPLs programmatically and execute commands
  • Binary

    • β-reduce terms using any pre-defined β-reduction strategy:
      λ> (λx. x) (w z)
      Info: Reduced 1 times
      w z
    • Bind terms to names to automatically substitute in future free variables:
      λ> id = λx. x; const = λx y. y;
      Info: Binding id added
      Info: Binding const added
    • Display or change the β-reduction limit:
      λ> :limit 1024
      Info: Reduction limit set to 1024
      λ> :limit
      Info: Current reduction limit is 1024
    • Exit gracefully:
      λ> :exit