CarlosUziel / emotion-recognition

B.Sc. Thesis: Facial Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

Repository from Github https://github.comCarlosUziel/emotion-recognitionRepository from Github https://github.comCarlosUziel/emotion-recognition

B.Sc. Dissertation: Facial Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks


Deep Learning and Neuromarketing, two disciplines representing the state of the art in their corresponding fields of knowledge, act together for the first time to solve a problem that has been addressed multiple times. To understand what the consumers really want. By using advanced artificial intelligence techniques, such as convolutional neural networks, this work tries (and succeeds) to detect emotions through the analysis of a person’s facial expressions. With the outcome of said analysis, it is possible to predict the effectiveness of ads depending on which emotions advertisers want their consumers to feel.


Deep Learning, Neuromarketing, convolutional neural networks, CNN, facial expression recognition, emotions, advertisement

Content of this repository

This repository contains my bachelor thesis, finished during the academic year 2016-2017. All source code for the training and evaluation of the different networks are included, plus the code used to process the results obtained during the experimentation phase with real subjects.

This project is built using mainly R and MXNet. However, one script also uses Python and OpenCV for pre-processing (face detection and cropping). All networks follow the Resnet-28-small architecture extracted from MXNet examples, which is also included in the corresponding directories.

Three different approaches were evaluated for facial emotion recognition, namely classification, verification and arousal. The classification approach (directory Classification) simply consisted on training a model that would classify each facial image according to the emotion that the person is most likely to be feeling (or showing). The verification (directory Verification) approach, on the other hand, involved training one model for each basic emotion, in the form of one vs all. Lastly, the arousal (directory Arousal) approach tried to measure the level of arousal of each image instead of assigning an emotion label. According to the literature, all emotions can be classified as having a high or a low arousal (in reality, this is a decimal value, not strictly 0 or 1).

For license reasons, the original data, the CK+ database, was not included. However, it can be obtained from the official webpage. Under the DataLoading directory, there is an script for loading, pre-processing and augmenting the original data, which could be useful for anyone working with this dataset.


B.Sc. Thesis: Facial Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 99.4%Language:Python 0.6%