Carliross288's starred repositories
Was besagt folgender Logauszug in Zusammenhang mit der Fehlermeldung. Meine Recherche anhand der Fehlermeldung ergab, bis auf eine Anfrage im Loxforum (leider ohne Antwort), kein Ergebnis. Mit der Bitte um Unterstützung: Debug Log: Add job for guide 8 to queue as #Lese Daten von Miniserver: Text: Alarm Test /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/plugins/text2sip/bin/sipcmd -m "G.711*" -o /opt/loxberry/log/plugins/text2sip/Text2SIP_sipcmd.log -T 50 -P sip -u "loxberry" -c "Test1234" -a "loxberry" -w "" -x "c**610;w100;v/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/text2sip/wav/Text2SIP_sS7B_wav;w10000;h" 2>&1 |tee -a /opt/loxberry/log/plugins/text2sip/Text2SIP.log|while read DTMF_LINE; do echo $DTMF_LINE|grep -q "Exiting."; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then wget -q -t 1 -T 10 -O /dev/null "http://user:Test3456@loxone:80/dev/sps/io/Text2SIP_8/0"; fi; DTMF_CODE=`echo $DTMF_LINE |grep "receive DTMF:"|cut -c16`; echo "DTMF: $DTMF_CODE"; wget -q -t 1 -T 10 -O /dev/null "http://user:Test3456@loxone:80/dev/sps/io/Text2SIP_8/$DTMF_CODE"; echo $DTMF_LINE|grep -q "receive DTMF:"; if [ "$DTMF_CODE" == "0" ]; then echo "Confirmation code 0 detected. Exit!!" >> /opt/loxberry/log/plugins/text2sip/Text2SIP.log; sleep .5; killall -15 /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/plugins/text2sip/bin/sipcmd; else if [ ${#DTMF_CODE} -eq 1 ]; then echo "Confirmation code [$DTMF_CODE] detected but [0] expected. Continue..." >> /opt/loxberry/log/plugins/text2sip/Text2SIP.log; fi; fi; done Add job for guide 8 to queue as #2017-12-23 05:47:18 [LOG] Show logfile
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.