CargoRocket / App

React Native based Smartphone App for CargoBike-Navigation

Repository from Github https://github.comCargoRocket/AppRepository from Github https://github.comCargoRocket/App

CargoRocket App

The CargoRocket app will be available for IOS and Android soon. This application acts as demo for the CargoRocket Routing based on Graphhopper Routing Engine and our CargoBikeIndex.


This Application is build using React Native, UI Kitten Framework, Native Mapbox GL, MMKV Storage, besides other dependencies.

It follows a modern and simplified React functional components code-style.

# Download, install and auto-link dependencies
$ yarn

# Start metro bundle server
$ yarn start

# Start Android build
$ yarn android

# Start IOS build
$ yarn ios


Please follow our Contribution Guidelines


React Native based Smartphone App for CargoBike-Navigation

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 86.9%Language:Java 4.9%Language:Ruby 4.2%Language:Objective-C 3.4%Language:Starlark 0.4%Language:TypeScript 0.2%