CarbonPackages / Carbon.Eel

Some nice Eel helper for

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Carbon.Eel Package for Neos CMS

BEM Helper

Generates BEM classes. The modifiers property can be a string (for one modifier), an array (e.g. ['one', 'two']), or an array with keys and values. If you have an array with keys and values (like a Fusion DataStructure) and a value is true, the key's name gets used for the modifier.

  • block (string, required) The name of the block
  • element (string) The name of the element, optional
  • modifiers (string|array) The name of the modifiers, optional

BEM.array(block, element, modifiers)

Shortcut to Carbon.Array.BEM(block, element, modifiers)

BEM.string(block, element, modifiers)

Shortcut to Carbon.String.BEM(block, element, modifiers)

BEM.modifier(class, modifiers)

Generates a string with BEM classes. The modifiers property can be a string (for one modifier), an array (e.g. ['one', 'two']), or an array with keys and values. If you have an array with keys and values (like a Fusion DataStructure) and the value is true, the key's name gets used for the modifier.

  • class (string, required) The name of the class
  • modifiers (string|array) The name of the modifiers, optional

Return The string

Array Helper

Carbon.Array.BEM(block, element, modifiers)

Generates an array with BEM classes. The modifiers property can be a string (for one modifier), an array (e.g. ['one', 'two']), or an array with keys and values. If you have an array with keys and values (like a Fusion DataStructure) and the value is true, the key's name gets used for the modifier.

  • block (string, required) The name of the block
  • element (string) The name of the element, optional
  • modifiers (string|array) The name of the modifiers, optional

Return The array

Carbon.Array.chunck(array, length, preserveKeys)

Chunks an array into arrays with length elements. The last chunk may contain less than length elements.

  • array (array, required) The array to work on
  • length (integer, required) The size of each chunk
  • preserveKeys (bool) When set to true, keys will be preserved. Default is false, which will reindex the chunk numerically

Carbon.Array.join(array, separator)

Join the given array recursively using the given separator.

${Carbon.Array.join(array, ',')}
  • array (array) The array that should be processed
  • separator (string, optional) The separator between the values defaults to ,

Return The converted array as a string

Carbon.Array.extractSubElements(array, preserveKeys)

This method extracts sub-elements to the parent level.

An input array of type:

 element1 => [
   0 => 'value1'
 element2 => [
   0 => 'value2'
   1 => 'value3'

will be converted to:

   0 => 'value1'
   1 => 'value2'
   2 => 'value3'
  • array (array) The array that should be processed
  • preserveKeys (boolean, optional) Option if the key should be preserved, defaults to false

Return The converted array

Carbon.Array.intersect(array1, array2, array_)

  • array1 (iterable|mixed) First array or value
  • array2 (iterable|mixed) Second array or value
  • array_ (iterable|mixed, optional) Optional variable list of additional arrays / values

Returns an array containing all the values of array1 that are present in all the arguments.


The method counts elements of a given array or a countable object. Return 0 if it is not an countable object.

count = ${Carbon.Array.length(countable)}

Carbon.Array.hasKey(array, key)

Returns a boolean if the array has a specific key

bool = ${Carbon.Array.hasKey(array, key)}

Carbon.Array.hasValue(array, value)

Returns a boolean if the array has a specific value

bool = ${Carbon.Array.hasValue(array, value)}

Carbon.Array.getValueByPath(array, path)

Returns the value of a nested array by following the specified path.

value = ${Carbon.Array.getValueByPath(array, path)}

Carbon.Array.setValueByPath(array, path)

Sets the given value in a nested array or object by following the specified path.

array = ${Carbon.Array.setValueByPath(subject, path, value)}


Check if a variable is iterable and has items

Return The variable or null if it is empty or not an iterable


Check if the given variable is countable

Return true or false

Carbon.Array.sortByItem(array, key, direction)

  • array (iterable|mixed) array with arrays to sort
  • key (string) Key of array to sort
  • direction (string, optional) ASC or DESC. Direction of sorting

Return The sorted array

Date Helper


Return seconds until the given offset. . Very useful for maximumLifetime on the @cache entry.

  • string (string) The offset in DateInterval format starting from midnight
  • dateinerval (boolean, optional) true if interval should be used or the $offset should be parsed, defaults to true

In this example, we clear the cache at midnight by adding an offset of 0 hours.

@cache {
    mode = 'cached'
    maximumLifetime = ${Carbon.Date.secondsUntil('PT0H')}

To get the seconds until next year, you can do it like this:

secondUntilNextYear = ${Carbon.Date.secondsUntil('first day of January next year', false)}

Return The timespan in seconds (integer)


Convert time duration (1:00) into a DateInterval

Return The duration as DateInterval

FileContent Helper


Returns the file content of a path. Fails silently.


  • string (string) The path to the file

Return The content of the file

Carbon.FileContent.pathHash(string, length)

Returns the hash value from the file content of a path. Fails silently.


Carbon.FileContent.pathHash('resource://Foo.Bar/Private/Assets/Logo.svg') == 1d62f5a5
Carbon.FileContent.pathHash('Foo.Bar/Private/Assets/Logo.svg', 20) == 1d62f5a55ad5e304d60d
  • string (string) The path to the file
  • length (integer, optional) The length of the hash value defaults to 8. The maximal value is 40

Return The hash value from the content of the file


Returns the file content of a persisted resource. Fails silently.


  • resource (resource) The persisted resource to read

Return The content of the file

Carbon.FileContent.resourceHash(resource, length)

Returns the hash value from the file content of a persisted resource. Fails silently.


Carbon.FileContent.resourceHash(q(node).property('file')) == 1d62f5a5
Carbon.FileContent.resourceHash(q(node).property('file'), 20) == 1d62f5a55ad5e304d60d
  • resource (resource) The persisted resource to read
  • length (integer, optional) The length of the hash value defaults to 8. The maximal value is 40

Return The hash value from the content of the file

Tailwind Helper

Carbon.Tailwind.merge(mixed1, mixed2, mixedN)

This helper allows you to merge multiple Tailwind CSS classes and automatically resolves conflicts between them without headaches.

It is based on tailwind-merge-php.


Expression Result
Carbon.Tailwind.merge('w-8 h-8 rounded-full rounded-lg') 'w-8 h-8 rounded-lg'
Carbon.Tailwind.merge(['w-8 rounded-full'], 'rounded-lg', 'h-8') 'w-8 rounded-lg h-8'
Carbon.Tailwind.merge(null, null) null
Carbon.Tailwind.merge('one two three', ['one', 'four'] 'one two three four'

Return The merged string

String Helper

Carbon.String.BEM(block, element, modifiers)

Generates a string with BEM classes. The modifiers property can be a string (for one modifier), an array (e.g. ['one', 'two']), or an array with keys and values. If you have an array with keys and values (like a Fusion DataStructure) and the value is true, the key's name gets used for the modifier.

  • block (string, required) The name of the block
  • element (string) The name of the element, optional
  • modifiers (string|array) The name of the modifiers, optional

Return The string


Generates a slug of the given string


Carbon.String.urlize('Hello World') == 'hello-world'
Carbon.String.urlize('Ä_ÖÜ äöü') == 'ae-oeue-aeoeue'
  • string (string) The string to convert

Return The converted string


Convert strings to PascalCase.


Carbon.String.toPascalCase('hello-world') == 'HelloWorld'
Carbon.String.toPascalCase('hello world') == 'HelloWorld'
Carbon.String.toPascalCase('Hello World') == 'HelloWorld'
  • string (string) The string to convert

Return The converted string


Convert strings to camelCase.


Carbon.String.toCamelCase('hello-world') == 'helloWorld'
Carbon.String.toCamelCase('hello world') == 'helloWorld'
Carbon.String.toCamelCase('Hello World') == 'helloWorld'
  • string (string) The string to convert

Return The converted string

Carbon.String.convertCamelCase(string, separator)

Convert CamelCaseStrings to hyphen-case-strings


Carbon.String.convertCamelCase('HelloWorld') == 'hello-world'
Carbon.String.convertCamelCase('HelloWorld', '_') == 'hello_world'
Carbon.String.convertCamelCase('HelloWorld', '') == 'helloworld'
  • string (string) The string to convert
  • separator (string, optional) The separator between the words defaults to -

Return The converted string

Carbon.String.convertToString(input, separator)

Helper to make sure to get a string back.


Carbon.String.convertToString(' helloworld  ') == 'helloworld'
Carbon.String.convertToString([' hello', ' world']) == 'hello world'
Carbon.String.convertToString(['hello', 'world'], '-') == 'hello-world'
  • input (string, array) A string or an array to convert
  • separator (string, optional) The separator between the words, defaults to whitespace

Return The converted string

Carbon.String.nl2br(string, separator)

Replace all newlines with an <br>.


Carbon.String.nl2br('hello\nworld') == 'hello<br>world'
Carbon.String.nl2br('hello\nworld', ' | ') == 'hello | world'
  • string (string) A string to convert
  • separator (string, optional) The separator between the words, defaults to <br>

Return The converted string


Replace non-breaking spaces and double spaces with a normal space.


Carbon.String.removeNbsp(' hello world') == 'hello world'
Carbon.String.removeNbsp('hello   world') == 'hello world'
  • string (string) A string to convert

Return The converted string

Carbon.String.merge(mixed1, mixed2, mixedN)

Merge strings and arrays to a string with unique values, separated by an empty space.


Expression Result
Carbon.String.merge('', 'one') 'one'
Carbon.String.merge(['one two three'], ['one', 'four']) 'one two three four'
Carbon.String.merge(null, null) null
Carbon.String.merge('one two three', ['one', 'four'] 'one two three four'

Return The merged string


Split a string into an array width integers and strings. Useful for animations.


Expression Result
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString('1000+ customers') [1000, '+ customers']
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString('24/7 reachability') [24, '/', 7, ' reachability']
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString('0 issues') [0, ' issues']
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString('') []
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString(null) []
Carbon.String.splitIntegerAndString(100) [100]
  • string (string) The string to split

Return The string, splitted into an array of integers and strings, defaultCountryCode, prefix)

Helper to convert phone numbers to a compatible format for links


Expression Result' 079 123 45 67 ') 'tel:0791234567''+41 (0) 79 123/45/67') 'tel:0041791234567''079 123 45 67', '+41') 'tel:0041791234567''079 123 45 67', null, null) '0791234567'' / (0) ') null
  • phoneNumber (string) The phone number to convert
  • defaultCountryCode (string, optional) The default country code, for example '+41'
  • prefix (string, optional) Prefix the phone number, defaults to 'tel:'

Return The phone number, optimized for links


Checks if the string is a valid email address


Expression Result
Carbon.String.isValidEmail('') false'Some text') false'') true
  • emailAddress (string) The string to check

Number Helper

Carbon.Number.format(number, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep)

Format a number with grouped thousands. If decimals is set to null, it returns as many as needed decimals.

  • number (float, required) The number being formatted
  • decimals (integer, optional) Sets the number of decimal points, defaults to null
  • dec_point (string, optional) The name of the modifier defaults to .
  • thousands_sep (string, optional) The name of the modifier defaults to ,

Carbon.Number.formatLocale(number, decimals, locale)

Format a localized number with grouped thousands. If decimals is set to null, it returns as many as needed decimals.

  • number (float, required) The number being formatted
  • decimals (integer, optional) Sets the number of decimal points, defaults to null
  • locale (string, optional) String locale - example (de_DE|en|ru_RU)


Get number of decimal digits.

  • number (float, required) The number being formatted

Backend Helper


Returns the language from the interface

Carbon.Backend.translate(id, originalLabel, arguments, source, package, quantity, locale)

Get the translated value (in the language of the interface) for an id or original label. If the only id is set and contains a translation shorthand string, translate according to that shorthand.

In all other cases: Replace all placeholders with corresponding values if they exist in the translated label.

  • id (string) Id to use for finding translation (trans-unit id in XLIFF)
  • originalLabel (string, optional) The original translation value (the untranslated source string)
  • arguments (array, optional) Array of numerically indexed or named values to be inserted into placeholders
  • source (string, optional) Name of file with translations
  • package (string, optional) Target package key
  • quantity (mixed, optional) A number to find a plural form for (float or int), null to not use plural forms
  • locale (string, optional) An identifier of the locale to use (NULL for use the interface language)

Returns the translated label or source label / ID key


Carbon.Eel is available via packagist. Just run

composer require carbon/eel


Some of the Eel helpers were inspired and or copied from


Some nice Eel helper for

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%