openseries is a project with tools to analyze financial timeseries of a single asset or a group of assets. It is solely made for daily or less frequent data.
This is a project with tools to analyze financial timeseries of a single
asset or a group of assets. It is solely made for daily or less frequent data.
Basic Usage
To install:
pip install openseries
conda install -c conda-forge openseries
An example of how to make use of the OpenTimeSeries is shown below. The design
aligns with how we within our fund company's code base have a subclass of the
OpenTimeSeries with class methods for our different data sources. Combined with some
additional tools it allows us to efficiently present investment cases to clients.
The code snippet can be pasted into a Python console to run it.
Install openseries and yfinance first.
Sample output using the OpenFrame.all_properties() method:
Scilla Global Equity C (simulation+fund) Global Low Volatility index, SEK
ValueType.PRICE ValueType.PRICE
Total return 3.641282 1.946319
Arithmetic return 0.096271 0.069636
Geometric return 0.093057 0.06464
Volatility 0.120279 0.117866
Return vol ratio 0.800396 0.59081
Downside deviation 0.085956 0.086723
Sortino ratio 1.119993 0.802975
Positive share 0.541783 0.551996
Worst -0.071616 -0.089415
Worst month -0.122503 -0.154485
Max drawdown -0.309849 -0.435444
Max drawdown in cal yr -0.309849 -0.348681
Max drawdown dates 2020-03-23 2009-03-09
CVaR 95.0% -0.01793 -0.018429
VaR 95.0% -0.011365 -0.010807
Imp vol from VaR 95% 0.109204 0.103834
Z-score 0.587905 0.103241
Skew -0.650782 -0.888109
Kurtosis 8.511166 17.527367
observations 4309 4309
span of days 6301 6301
first indices 2006-01-03 2006-01-03
last indices 2023-04-05 2023-04-05
Development Instructions
These instructions assume that you have a compatible Python version installed on
your machine and that you are OK to install this project in a virtual environment.
The OpenTimeSeries and OpenFrame classes are both subclasses of
the Pydantic BaseModel. Please refer to its documentation for information
on any attributes or methods inherited from this model.
Windows Powershell
git clone
cd openseries
./make.ps1 make
Mac Terminal/Linux
git clone
cd openseries
source source_me
make install
Testing and Linting / Type-checking
Ruff and Mypy checking is embedded in the pre-commit hook. Both
are also used in the project's GitHub workflows and are run when the lint
alternative is chosen in the below commands.
Any silenced error codes can be found in the
file or in in-line comments.
Defines the class OpenTimeSeries for managing and analyzing a single timeseries. The module also defines a function timeseries_chain that can be used to chain two timeseries objects together.
Defines the class OpenFrame for managing a group of timeseries, and e.g. calculate a portfolio timeseries from a rebalancing strategy between timeseries. The module also defines functions to simulate, optimize, and plot portfolios.
Merges the Pandas Dataframes of the constituent OpenTimeSeries.
Truncates the OpenFrame to a common period.
Adds a given OpenTimeSeries to the OpenFrame.
Deletes an OpenTimeSeries from the OpenFrame.
Calculates a new series that is the relative performance of two others.
Calculates a portfolio timeseries based on the series and weights. Weights can be provided as a list, or a weight strategy can be set as equal weights or inverted volatility.
Aligns the series dates to a business calendar. Defaults to Sweden.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Resamples the series to a specific frequency.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Resamples the series to month-end dates with monthly, quarterly or annual frequency.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Fills Nan in a value series with the preceding non-Nan value.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Replaces Nan in a return series with a 0.0 float.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Converts a return series into a value series and/or resets a value series to be rebased from 1.0.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Method to export object data to a json file.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Method to save the data in the .tsdf DataFrame to an Excel file.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Converts a value series into a percentage return series.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Converts a value series into a series of differences.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Converts a value series into a logarithmic return series.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns the series simple return for a specific calendar period.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Opens a HTML Plotly Scatter plot of the series in a browser window.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Opens a HTML Plotly Bar plot of the series in a browser window.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Converts the series into drawdown series.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling returns.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling volatilities.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling VaR figures.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling CVaR figures.
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Returns the start and end dates of a range from specific period definitions. Used by the below numerical methods and not meant to be used independently.
Numerical properties available for individual OpenTimeSeries or on all series in an OpenFrame.
Annualized volatility. Pandas .std() is the equivalent of stdev.s([...]) in MS excel.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Downside deviation is the volatility of all negative return observations. Minimum Accepted Return (MAR) set to zero.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Ratio of arithmetic mean return and annualized volatility. It is the Sharpe Ratio with the riskfree rate set to zero.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
The Sortino Ratio is the arithmetic mean return divided by the downside deviation. This attribute assumes that the riskfree rate and the MAR are both zero.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
The Omega Ratio compares returns above a certain target level (MAR) to the total downside risk below MAR.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Downside 95% Value At Risk, "VaR". The equivalent of[...], 1-level) over returns in MS Excel. For other confidence levels use the corresponding method.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Downside 95% Conditional Value At Risk, "CVaR". For other confidence levels use the corresponding method.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Most negative percentage change of a single observation.
Annualized volatility. Pandas .std() is the equivalent of stdev.s([...]) in MS excel.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Downside deviation is the volatility of all negative return observations. MAR and riskfree rate can be set.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Ratio of arithmetic mean return and annualized volatility. It is the Sharpe Ratio with the riskfree rate set to zero. A riskfree rate can be set as a float or a series chosen for the frame function.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
The Sortino Ratio is the arithmetic mean return divided by the downside deviation. A riskfree rate can be set as a float or a series chosen for the frame function. MAR is set to zero.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
The Omega Ratio compares returns above a certain target level (MAR) to the total downside risk below MAR.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
Downside 95% Value At Risk, "VaR". The equivalent of[...], 1-level) over returns in MS Excel. Default is 95% confidence level.
Z-score as (last return - mean return) / standard deviation of returns.
float, pandas.Series
OpenTimeSeries, OpenFrame
A position target weight from the ratio between a VaR implied volatility and a given target volatility.
openseries is a project with tools to analyze financial timeseries of a single asset or a group of assets. It is solely made for daily or less frequent data.