CaptainDylan / ht-archive

Anidata 1.0: Frontend node service for data collected from palantiri

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend node service for data collected from palantiri

Getting Started


Installing this code base requires the use of the npm command available within the nodejs install. You will need to install it locally before moving on with the installation.

npmjs getting started

Download nodejs

    $ git clone
    $ cd ht-archive
    $ npm install


This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a local PostgreSQL server and importing the database backups so that you can use the ht-archive web application.

Scroll down for command line installation instructions.

Docker installation instructions

Suggested Method: If you decide to use Docker (install by selecting your OS on this page,, start PostgreSQL with the following command on the command line after replacing /SOME_FOLDER with a folder on your computer that is easily accessible:

  1. If you haven't already installed Docker, follow the directions on the Docker website: Using macports or brew is not suggested.

  2. Run the PostgreSQL server

$ sudo docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1234 -e POSTGRES_USER=dbadmin -e POSTGRES_DB=sandbox \ 
-v /SOME_FOLDER:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 --name postgres postgres
  1. Download the PostgreSQL backup from one of the following places:

  2. Extract the SQL file from the downloaded crawler_er.tar.gz, using the following command on the command line or an archive tool:

    $ tar xzf /THE_FOLDER_WITH_DOWNLOADED_FILE/crawler_er.tar.gz
  3. Copy the the crawler.sql file that was extracted from crawler_er.tar.gz to /SOME_FOLDER

  4. Load the SQL into PostgreSQL

    $ sudo docker exec postgres psql --username dbadmin -c "CREATE DATABASE crawler" sandbox
    $ sudo docker exec postgres psql --username dbadmin -f /var/lib/postgresql/data/crawler.sql crawler
  5. Start the web application

    a. Start the application with

    $ sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --link postgres:postgres --name ht-archive bmenn/ht-archive --db crawler --usr dbadmin --pwd 1234 --host postgres

    b. If you have made some changes and want to see the updated application run

    $ node app.js --db crawler --usr dbadmin --pwd 1234 --host REPLACE_ME_WITH_DOCKER_OR_POSTGRES_IP

Command line installation instructions

Follow these steps if you already have a PostgreSQL server running locally and would rather not use Docker.

  1. Download the PostgreSQL backup from one of the following places:

  2. Extract the SQL file from the downloaded crawler_er.tar.gz, using the following command on the command line or an archive tool:

    $ tar xzf /the_folder_with_backup/crawler_er.tar.gz
  3. Set up your local database

    Log into your postgres server as root and create a new superuser named dbadmin with login permissions.

  4. Load the SQL into PostgreSQL

    Create a database called crawler, exit psql and run the following command. Be patient - the query can take 15 minutes or so to run.

    $ psql --host=localhost --dbname=crawler --username=dbadmin -f <path/to/.sql/file>
  5. Once the data has been loaded into PostgreSQL, start the web application and navigate to localhost:8080 in your browser.

    $ node app.js --db crawler --usr dbadmin --pwd 1234 --host REPLACE_ME_WITH_DOCKER_OR_POSTGRES_IP


    $ node app.js --usr postgres-user --host hostname --db database # the app will launch on port 8080


Anidata 1.0: Frontend node service for data collected from palantiri

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:JavaScript 61.5%Language:HTML 33.1%Language:CSS 5.4%