Cantabar / TUSKit

The tus client for iOS.

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An iOS client written in Swift for TUS resumable upload protocol.

Protocol Version SwiftPM compatible License Platform

With this client, you can upload regular raw Data or file-paths.


You can refer to the example project to see how TUSKit is implemented.

As a starting point, please refer to the SceneDelegate.

Here is how you can instantiate a TUSClient instance.

Be sure to store a reference to the client somewhere. Then initialize as you normally would.

final class MyClass {
  let tusClient: TUSClient
  init() {
      tusClient = TUSClient(server: URL(string: "")!, sessionIdentifier: "TUS DEMO", storageDirectory: URL(string: "TUS")!)
      tusClient.delegate = self

Note that you can register as a delegate to retrieve the URL's of the uploads, and also any errors that may arise.

Note that you can pass your own URLSession instance to the initializer.

You can conform to the TUSClientDelegate to receive updates from the TUSClient.

extension MyClass: TUSClientDelegate {
    func didStartUpload(id: UUID, client: TUSClient) {
        print("TUSClient started upload, id is \(id)")
        print("TUSClient remaining is \(client.remainingUploads)")
    func didFinishUpload(id: UUID, url: URL, client: TUSClient) {
        print("TUSClient finished upload, id is \(id) url is \(url)")
        print("TUSClient remaining is \(client.remainingUploads)")
        if client.remainingUploads == 0 {
            print("Finished uploading")
    func uploadFailed(id: UUID, error: Error, client: TUSClient) {
        print("TUSClient upload failed for \(id) error \(error)")
    func fileError(error: TUSClientError, client: TUSClient) {
        print("TUSClient File error \(error)")
    func totalProgress(bytesUploaded: Int, totalBytes: Int, client: TUSClient) {
    func progressFor(id: UUID, bytesUploaded: Int, totalBytes: Int, client: TUSClient) {


Starting an upload

A TUSClient can upload Data or paths to a file in the form of a URL.

To upload data, use the upload(data:) method`

let data = Data("I am some data".utf8)
let uploadId = try tusClient.upload(data: data)

To upload multiple data files at once, use the uploadMultiple(dataFiles:) method.

To upload a single stored file, retrieve a file path and pass it to the client.

let pathToFile:URL = ...
let uploadId = try tusClient.uploadFileAt(filePath: pathToFile)

To upload multiple files at once, you can use the uploadFiles(filePaths:) method.

Custom upload URL and custom headers

To specify a custom upload URL (e.g. for TransloadIt) or custom headers to be added to a file upload, please refer to the uploadURL and customHeaders properties in the methods related to uploading. Such as: upload, uploadFileAt, uploadFiles or uploadMultiple(dataFiles:).

Measuring upload progress

To know how many files have yet to be uploaded, please refer to the remainingUploads property.

Please note that there isn't a percentage supplied, since it's up to you to define what the starting point is of an upload. For example. If you upload 10 files, and 3 are finished, then you are at 3/10. However, if during this upload you add 2 more, should that count as 3/12 or do you consider it a a fresh upload? So 0/9. It's up to you to define how finished uploads are counted when adding new uploads.

For byte level progress. Please implement the TUSClientDelegate protocol and set it as a the delegate property of TUSClient.

Upload id's and contexts

By starting an upload you will receive an id. These id's are also passed to you via if you implement the TUSClientDelegate. You can use these id's to identify which files are finished or failed (but you can also use contexts for that, see below). You can also delete these files on failure if you want. You can also use these id's to retry a failed upload.

Note that TUSClient will automatically retry an upload a few times, but will eventually give up, after which it will report an error. After which you can call the retry method and try again.


You can use id's to monitor progress and perform other tasks, such as stopping uploads. But you can also pass a context with richer information. TUSKit will return this context through various delegate calls. This way you don't have to keep track of the status of upload id's. You can pass in a small object with information, and you receive this from TUSKit.

Security notice: TUSKit will store this context on the disk next to other file metadata. This is to maintain the information between sessions.

Starting a new session

An upload can fail at any time. Even when an app is in the background.

Therefore, after starting a new app session, we recommend you inspect any failed uploads that may have occurred and act accordingly. For instance, you can decide to do something with the failed uploads such as retrying them, deleting them, or reporting to the user.

For instance, here is how you can initialize the client and check its failed uploads. Note that we first fetch the id's, after which retry the uploads.
tusClient = TUSClient(server: URL(string: "")!, sessionIdentifier: "TUS DEMO", storageDirectory: URL(string: "/TUS")!)
tusClient.delegate = self
do {
  // When starting, you can retrieve the locally stored uploads that are marked as failure, and handle those.
  // E.g. Maybe some uploads failed from a last session, or failed from a background upload.
  let ids = try tusClient.failedUploadIds()
  for id in ids {
    // You can either retry a failed upload...
    try tusClient.retry(id: id)
    // ...alternatively, you can delete them too
    // tusClient.removeCacheFor(id: id)
} catch {
  // Could not fetch failed id's from disk

Background uploading

Available from iOS13, you can schedule uploads to be performed in the background using the scheduleBackgroundTasks() method on TUSClient.

Scheduled tasks are handled by iOS. Which means that each device will decide when it's best to upload in the background. Such as when it has a wifi connection and late at night.

As an example from the SceneDelegate found in the example app, you can schedule them accordingly:

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

    // ... snip
    func sceneDidEnterBackground(_ scene: UIScene) {
        // Called as the scene transitions from the foreground to the background.

If you incorporate background-uploading, we strongly recommend you to inspect any failed uploads that may have occured in the background. Please refer to [Starting a new Session](#Starting a new Session) for more information.

Example app

Please refer to the example app inside this project to see how to add photos from a PHPicker, using SwiftUI. You can also use the PHPicker mechanic for UIKit.


At the time of writing, this client does not support TUS' concatenation option. It does, however, automatically support parallel uploads in a single client. It does also support multiple clients.

Underlying Mechanics

The TUSClient will retry a failed upload two times (three total attempts) before reporting it as an error.

The TUSClient will try to upload a file fully, and if it gets interrupted (e.g. broken connection or app is killed), it will continue where it left of.

The TUSClient stores files locally to upload them. It will use the storageDirectory path that is passed in the initializer. Or create a default directory inside the documentsdir at /TUS .

The TUSClient will automatically removed locally stored files once their upload is complete.

Multiple instances

TUSClient supports multiple instances for simultaneous unrelated uploads.

Warning: Multiple clients should not share the same storageDirectory. Give each client their own directory to work from, or bugs may occur.

Please note that TUSClient since version 3.0.0 is not a singleton anymore.

If you strongly feel you want a singleton, you can still make one using the static keyword.

final class MyClass {
  static let tusClient: TUSClient = ...

But we discourage you from doing so because it makes resetting between tests harder, and it becomes problematic in a multi-threaded environment.


The tus client for iOS.


Language:Swift 99.2%Language:Ruby 0.8%